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Mass shooting statistics common thread Anti-Depressants

Semi-automatic AR-15 rifle

Are gun owners heartless in these Mass shooting tragedies?

Gun owners fight to protect gun rights is not out of a lack of heart. It's based squarely on fear. History shows that when the guns are taken, so go the civil rights over time. Eventually leading to the destruction of a society. The 2nd Amendment and guns have existed since 1776. Yet mass gun violence is what is increasing over the last 30 years. Just because we are The United States doesn't mean that we are immune to a tyrannical Government. I would suggest anyone research declassified material on what unspeakable atrocities our Government has engaged in to push agendas.
Gun owners want AR-15's as a defense against the real possibility of a future tyrannical Government. So it's totally fear-based, and I feel rightful so. I had been raised around and taught gun safety at an early age. I understand and respect their power and shot my first semi-auto rifle around 9 years old.

So why is there an increase in mass shootings?

Many are saying it's the semi-automatic weapons. But we must look at the facts: Triggers do not pull themselves or aim free of being handled. It takes a triggered person to take a life.

So what's the common thread in most of these mass shootings?

It is... and has been psychoactive (SSRI's) prescription drugs. These drug companies own admitted side effects can be a lack of empathy, feeling, aggressiveness, bouts of rage, just to name a few. If... mixed with commonly prescribed sleep aids like Lunesta or Ambien. We add side effects of "sleeping while awake" and some people experiencing loss of time and rationality. There are people on sleep aids that have found themselves in jail the next day when they last remembered taking an Ambien and climbing into bed. These drugs are extremely powerful. They do not affect everyone the same way but they can affect some dangerously.
I am angry too, we as a Nation cannot allow any more children to die unnecessarily. But we must fight the source of the problem.
This rise in mass shootings follows the profit curve of Drug companies prescribed SSRI's. This is the Problem! The facts are in black and white if you should choose to research it.
It's easy to follow the angered responses of semi-automatic guns are bad after these kinds of tragedies. It is easy to say bump stocks are bad. It's easy to say all guns are bad. It's easy to say take away the guns. But it's hard to admit so many of us are being drugged with horrific psychological side effects and it's not being addressed because of Corporate profits.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) in 2016 lost: 42 million
Eli Lilly just one of many, many companies producing Psychoactive SSRI's:
Netted 4.4 Billion

Our natural abilities are being suppressed.

We have tear ducts to cry when we feel pain, we have voices to scream our frustrations, and we have depression to learn to cope and reset. These are natural processes that we all need to go through to be truly complete. Suppressing it... is not the answer. We are not designed this way. We need to recognize the correlation and the infiltration of these drug companies pushing to use their drugs. I have been screaming this at every instance of these mass shootings. When are we going to awaken to the real problem? Watch Lunesta's own commercial. LINK: Listen to these side effects and honestly ask yourself if this is acceptable?

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