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BINGO – Two Interviews Highlight Current Democrat Media Objective – George Stephanopoulos and Jonathan Turley… #MAGA

Remember the January 2012 ABC Presidential primary debate when out of nowhere George Stephanopoulos asked Mitt Romney: if access to contraception was protected under the constitution?   [Please watch to remind yourself.]  In 2012 no-one knew what the heck that was about… the question literally came out of left-field.  Less than a week later the Democrats began introducing Sandra Fluke, and the rest is history.  ABC was working hand-in-hand with the DNC to CREATE a narrative out of thin air.

Well, as you watch this interview today, notice the EXACT SAME framework being applied to the Stormy Daniels story.  Seriously, watch the Stephanopoulos presentation, it’s spooky…. this is narrative engineering:


Before anyone starts saying Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, etc. etc., has nothing to do with Stormy Daniels, pay very close attention to what George Stephanopoulos is doing in that interview. Then listen to Johnathan Turley who appeared serendipitously on CBS:

Jonathan Turley is a constitutional law professor at George Washington University and joins moderator Margaret Brennan to discuss how the Stormy Daniels case and the Russia Investigation could play out legally for President Trump.


This is where the Lawfare crew, the nest of rabid legal hate-operatives, not coincidentally where former FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker just announced he is going to work, is scripting the latest refined instructions for their “Insurance Policy”.


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