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Morning Joe: Michael Avenatti 'Auditioning' for Job at MSNBC or CNN

During Friday’s edition of Morning Joe on MSNBC, frequent panelist Donnie Deutsch expressed his displeasure with Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti appearing so often on cable news shows.

“He feels like he’s ‘jumping the shark’ a little bit,” Deutsch stated. “You almost get the feeling he’s already auditioning” for CNN President Jeff Zucker and MSNBC boss Phil Griffin to set up “his next TV spot.”

The Morning Joe pundit also noted: “We’ve all watched the media a bit, and obviously, he’s done a lot of interesting things, but if I’m managing Michael Avenatti at this point, I wouldn’t be on the air six hours a day.”

He continued:

You’re starting to feel, as somebody who is in the media and watches the media, a guy who is a losing a little sight of where he is, of the position he’s in.

,And you almost get the feeling he’s already auditioning for Jeff Zucker and Phil Griffin for his next TV spot. And if I was him, if I was managing his brand a little bit -- right now, a little less is more.

Of course, co-host Joe Scarborough couldn’t resist the opportunity to criticize the GOP occupant of the White House.

“Donny, though,” Scarborough noted, “he’s getting under Trump’s skin.”

Deutsch responded: “Correct.”

“And he’s doing what Trump always does, which is be everywhere all of the time, be constantly in people’s faces.”

“Fair point,” the pundit stated.

“And he actually has gotten in Trump’s face,” Scarborough added.

As NewsBusters previously reported, Deutsch isn’t the only person to notice Avenatti’s many appearances on cable news. In less than two months, from March 7 to April 30, the porn star’s lawyer was a guest on CNN a total of 59 times -- an average of more than once per day. Also during that period, all Republican Senators combined received only 34 interviews on the channel. One-third of those visits took place with Anderson Cooper – who interviewed Stormy Daniels on CBS’s 60 Minutes in March.

On top of that, Avenatti appeared eight times over four days on MSNBC, which appeared to be attempting to catch up with CNN’s record.

This isn’t the first time Deutsch surprised the folks on Morning Joe.

On May 4, he responded to the news that the unemployment rate dropped to 3.9 percent -- the lowest since 2000 -- along with “the North Korea thing” and successful attacks on leaders of the ISIS terrorist organization as indicating that President Donald Trump might “get re-elected in a landslide” in 2020.

Of course, the term “jumping the shark” refers to a fifth-season episode of the Happy Days sitcom when the Fonzie character literally jumped over a shark in an unsuccessful ploy to get better ratings.

But when a liberal pundit on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program says that someone is showing up on the TV screen too often, it’s probably wise to take that comment seriously and spend more time with the family for a change.

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