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Nets Move to New Racial Story After Ignoring Pro-Police Autopsy of Stephon Clark

Between Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, the dominant left-leaning media have again shown that they are blatantly more interested in news that portrays police officers as mistreating suspects than they are in updating viewers with information that counts in the cops' favor.

After mostly ignoring last week Sacramento County's official autopsy of Stephon Clark that defends the police and contradicts a private autopsy that claimed he was mostly shot by police in the back, all three broadcast networks pounced on a story this week about police officers confronting a black student at Yale University who fell asleep while studying in a common area who turned out to be doing nothing wrong.

On Thursday afternoon, CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin gave the Yale story more than six and a half minutes as substitute host Brianna Keilar spoke with former Georgetown University professor and liberal former MSNBC analyst Michael Eric Dyson. And, on CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon devoted almost 12 full minutes to discussing the story across two segments.

The three broadcast evening newscasts all devoted full reports to the Yale story, and, on Friday morning, the morning newscasts on ABC and CBS also gave it a full story each as NBC's Today gave it a 41-second brief.

The networks have a point in that it looks like the white student who summoned the police was overreacting since falling asleep in a study space on a campus is a normal thing for college students to do, and the Yale student in question was reportedly doing nothing wrong, but it makes little sense to spend substantially less time to updating viewers that Sacramento police officers probably did not start firing at Clark while his back was turned and may have acted lawfully.

According to a Nexis search, ABC and NBC have still totally ignored the autopsy supporting the Sacramento police, and CBS only gave it 40 seconds on CBS This Morning last week. And CNN has so far only given 32 seconds to the Clark autopsy which came on CNN Newsroom with John Berman and Poppy Harlow also last week.

As previously documented by NewsBusters, the networks had all given a substantial amount of attention to the Clark case when the police were being accused of mostly shooting him in the back.

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