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Omission Watch on Democrat Candidate Commercial: 'F--- the NRA!'

Keep it classy, Democrats.

In what is definitely a first in the lack of civility department which the left was avidly warning about a dozen years or so ago, a candidate for the 1st Congressional District of New Mexico ran a television commercial which begins with him asserting "F--- the NRA!"

And if you think it was only allowed to run without a bleep online you would be wrong. It ran with candidate Pat Davis actually saying the F-word on broadcast television. Where are the media tsk-tsking at the coarse, uncivil behavior? So much for "when they go low, we go high."

Here is the campaign commercial with (of coarse) a strong language alert.

The Associated Press explains why the commercial was able to run on broadcast television sans a bleep:

SANTA FE, N.M. --- A Democratic congressional candidate in New Mexico used an expletive in a television ad Friday to condemn the National Rifle Association and inaction by U.S. lawmakers on gun control, beginning a 15-second spot with the words "F--- the NRA."

In the ad, Albuquerque City Council member Pat Davis goes on to the say that NRA policies have "resulted in dead children, dead mothers and dead fathers," and that "if Congress won't change our gun laws, we're changing Congress."

The ad was broadcast on KRQE-TV in Albuquerque, where General Manager Bill Anderson said the station was not permitted by law to censor or edit Davis' commercial and must provide equal access to candidates. The station ran a brief warning about profanity immediately before the ad.

The Santa Fe New Mexican added: "A spokesman for the Federal Communications Commission, which polices profanity on television, declined to comment." They don't give a FCC. 

Davis is trying to stand out in a crowded Democrat primary field. Why that word? Davis said “We’ve been polite about it and it has only gotten us thoughts and prayers.”

Don't be too surprised to see Republican candidates around the country in the near future rerun that commercial but with a bleep to illustrate the level to which the opposition has fallen.

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