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Pro-Gun CNN Guest Complains Host Failed to Challenge Anti-Gun Kasky

On New Day Sunday, CNN did something it does not typically do in that it actually allowed a pro-gun guest to be on and argue against the type of gun control pushed by liberal activists.

Although Georgia gun dealer Hal Shouse was allowed to complain to CNN host Christi Paul about her failure to challenge anti-gun activist Cameron Kasky the day before, the segment also suffered from audio difficulties because he was appearing by Skype. Paul also ended up having to cut him off because they were running out of time in an interview that was about a minute shorter than the one afforded to Kasky -- six and half minutes versus five and a half.

After playing a clip of Kasky from New Day Saturday, Paul began by asking about the issue of President Donald Trump backing off on some of his statements supporting more gun control after the Parkland attacks. 

Shouse hit Trump from the right and complained that he did not trust the President on the issue, leading Paul to bring up her interview with Kasky as she followed up: "I know that there were some things that he said on the show yesterday that upset you. What specifically stuck with you? What would you like to clarify there?"

Shouse complained about CNN allowing anti-gun activists to spread misinformation as he began: "It's not so much that one particular thing he said upsets me -- it's that most of what he says is just inaccurate, and you don't call him out on it because you don't know anything about weapons either."

The CNN host soon fretted over the AR-15 being legal as she posed:

The AR-15 specifically, I know, it's customizeable, it's reliable, it's accurate -- that's one of the reasons that people like it so much. The thing is, it has been used in the Parkland shooting, in Las Vegas, in the Pulse Night Club shooting, in Sandy Hook. ... Do you really think that -- based on how it has been used in these mass shootings -- that it should be so readily available? And why does that kind of gun need to be so readily available? Other than hunting, why would anybody need a gun like that?

As her guest was explaining the ways that an AR-15 is useful for hunting, the issue of people using this type of gun for self-defense was skipped over as she jumped in to follow up: "So what could prevent some of the mass shootings that we have seen then? What could prevent them if we do not take the AR-15 out of rotation?"

While Shouse was arguing against an AR-15 ban because other types of guns could simply be used instead, the CNN host had to jump in to conclude the segment as time ran out.

If CNN actually wanted to have a balanced discussion and inform their audience of different points of view, it would be a good idea to have more such guests who can appear either in studio or with better audio connections have something close to an equal amount of time more often to present a dissenting point of view from the liberal narrative CNN typically promotes

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