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Breaking News Slams Babylon Bee Satirists as 'False' for Cosby-Planned Parenthood Joke

The completely humorless fact-checkers at are trashing the satire site Babylon Bee again as “False.” The target is a hilarious send-up of Planned Parenthood claiming that only three percent of their services are abortions (about a third of a million deaths a year).

They offered this satirical Cecile Richards quote after Bill Cosby was convicted of sexual assault:

“Look, guys, let’s keep this in perspective,” she said in a press conference held at Planned Parenthood’s New York offices. “Cosby provided many needed services, like laughter, stand-up comedy, and a solid sitcom. You can’t paint him with the broad brush of ‘sexual offender’ just because a very small percentage of his activities were horrifying and abusive.”

The Snopes headline was:

Did Planned Parenthood Defend Bill Cosby?

Reports that the nonprofit organization defended the comedian after his felony sexual assault conviction stemmed from a Christian-themed satire site.

Snopes then explained:

The Babylon Bee is an entertainment web site with long history of publishing satirical articles. In this case, the web site appears to be spoofing an often-quoted statistic about the nonprofit organization; although many people may equate it with abortion, Planned Parenthood’s annual report states that these procedures only make up 3 percent of the medical services that they provide:

Then, for “facts,” Snopes helpfully provides a Planned Parenthood pie chart of their purported 2016 division of services. They failed to note that the Washington Post Fact Checker gave that statistic "Three Pinocchios."

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