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This Week in Media Bias History: Hillary Is an ‘Icon of American Womanhood’

As Americans across the country get ready to celebrate Mother’s Day, This Week in Media Bias History fans will remember that liberal journalists celebrate Hillary Clinton every day. On May 10, 1993, Time correspondent Margaret Carlson hailed the then-First Lady as “an icon of American womanhood.”

In another example of journalistic derangement, journalist Eleanor Clift on May 11, 2014 absurdly claimed that U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens “was not murdered.” His death in Benghazi was just due to “smoke inhalation.” 

Below are Rich Noyes’s collected tweets from the 19th week of This Day in Media Bias History. To get the latest daily examples, be sure and follow Noyes on Twitter. To see recaps of the first 18 weeks, go here.) 

May 5: 

May 6: 

May 7: 

May 8: 

May 9: 

May 10: 

May 11: 

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