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Wow – VP Mike Pence Shares Note From American Held Captive in North Korea… #MAGA

Vice President Mike Pence has shared part of a personal note he was handed this morning from a returning detainee.   It is unknown who specifically handed him the note; however Kim Dong Chul is an ordained minister and was held captive the longest (3 years):

Kim Dong Chul, Kim Sang Duk, Kim Hak Soon are the names of the three detainees who were released.  Two of the captives, Hak-Soon and Sang Duk, belong to the Pyongyang Univ of Science & Technology and were detained in Apr & May 2017: they had been held for a year. The third, Kim Dong Chul, is an ordained minister held since 2015 when he was commuting from China and was serving a 10-year sentence on espionage charges.


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