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What is Q or #QAnon? Is the #GreatAwakening real?

What is QAnon? 
Q explained...

The Great Awakening. Red Wave White Squall

QAnon is, in essence, the current Military intelligence under the administration of Trump. A President who was approached and asked to run by Patriots within the highest ranking positions of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Learn how this has all come to light...

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Q The Plan to save the world.
Video Transcript

Have you ever wondered why we go to war
or why you never seem to be able to get
out of debt why there is poverty
division and crime what if I told you
there was a reason for it all what if I
told you it was done on purpose what if
I told you that those who were
corrupting the world poisoning our food
and igniting conflict were themselves
about to be permanently eradicated from
the earth you might think that an
idealistic fantasy well let me tell you
a story we acknowledge there are
criminals, of course, they robbed your
the house they steal your phone they can
murder you too if they think they can
get away with it we have all experienced
criminals in one way or another
criminals, as we know, are those who
choose personal gain over the rights of
others and have no regard for the law
but here's where you need to expand your
thinking criminals can also succeed in
business and politics and can be elected
as our leaders, if it became the
president imagine what they could
achieve they could use the full weight
of their executive power to commit much
larger crimes and ensure they and their
friends were enriched to the fullest
extent possible
a cruel president could create alliances
with other criminal presence and then
collaborate on more global criminal
activities anything-goes
drug running human trafficking whatever
makes the big bucks the 20th century was
turbulent with war economic disaster
famines and displacement we have always
accepted these things as just human
nature and simply the way the world
works something inevitable and due to
the weaknesses of human nature that
drive us to these actions this is where
we were all tragically wrong you are not
a criminal I'm not a criminal
so how can we just assume that it is
human nature that is driving all this
pain and misery what if it wasn't human
nature and all and as a result of
something more deliberate we were taught
that capitalism was the cause of a
massive rich-poor divide and the reason
for poverty which in turn is the reason
for war crime and starvation, others were
taught that communism the system of
equal wealth across all people was
really to blame for the mess
but you see folks and is none of these
things it is not our nature to fight and
be racist it is not in our nature to rob
from others what you must learn is that
it was the criminals all along yes they
got power here power that a criminal
should ever have they rose to the top of
media companies that control our news
and entertainment they said to the top
of the banking system also to the Oval
Office to process to the very go to the
the crown they piped in quietly
they became leaders of agricultural
companies you have control over our food
supply also big pharmaceutical companies
the ones we trust to help us when we're
sick nobody stopped them and they just
recruited more criminals to help them
first, they accumulated the world's
wealth they invented a system of money
called central banking which lends money
to governments with interest placing
countries into eternal debt people's
wealth godless their wealth got more
much more when a criminal is already as
rich as they can get and protecting
their ill-gotten gains become the
priority angry citizens tired of being
poor or a major obstacle they can vaults
if they suffer enough the criminals
needed to prevent this so they diverted
attention to the last remaining
competitor the people of the world you
and me we were not happy being ruled by
criminals and having to work three jobs
just to survive they know we won't
accept it so they use their control of
the media to set black against white
man against man Yong against all Muslim
against Christian, it convinced us we are
the problem so that we will fight to
destroy ourselves to get it done faster
they attacked all aspects of humanity
that make us strong
like a family using their influence of a
culture they popularized lifestyle
choices that led to a surge in broken
homes lost youth and substance abuse I
could talk all day about how else they
deliberately weakened us and it would
turn your stomach we were just trying to
get on with living so where are all the
good guys good people just want to get
married have kids make a living and
enjoy their liberty
well, there were good guys. One
became the President of the United
States in January 1961 he knew about
these criminals and one of them knew their intentions 
for us all and he wanted to fight them sadly he had no
idea how powerful they had become
ringing and alls that had good
intentions for the American people
he knew this criminal mafia controlled
almost everything by the stage including
the powerful raw intelligence agencies
his economic policies were promising but
the criminals needed a weak America to
hold on to their power Reagan was shown
with a bullet that a growing US economy
and prosperous citizens were not what
the criminals wanted
it was looking pretty grim through good
people every time someone wanted to
stand up and do the right thing they got
stopped were we ever to be freed these
criminals are also known as the deep
state or cabal because of how they
control things behind the scenes every
president after Regan was one of these
deep state criminals and their empire
got even stronger with each pack
the president came new depths America and
the world would sink the world collapsed
into darkness do you need me to tell you
how destroyed factories declining job
numbers sicker people opioids
destruction of Iraq Syria and Yemen with
pointless war displacement of people
into Europe Isis terrorism collapse
government's poverty and genocide total
misery do you think that was inevitable
hell no well here's where things starts
taking u-turn when the full picture
comes to be known it will forever be
regarded as the greatest story ever told
well here is the table some good people
still held positions of power they
valued humanity and the rule of all
while the criminals discuss their game
plan of the annual Bilderberg meetings
the good guys were making plans of their
own information age was coming to change
history forever as the Internet flooded
into every home and appliances became
smarter and when people started carrying
tracking devices an opportunity to put
an end to criminal control over the
world was emerging we became connected
trackable and surveilled but so did they
they became dependent just like we did
on email SMS instant communication
it made crime much easier but it also
put them on a grid that access by the
right people what expose their crimes to
the public and in their iron grip on us
once and for all in this new age of
information it was thought that the
military should also have its own
Intelligence Agency to focus on cyber
crime and espionage they called this the
NSA the National Security Agency the
relevance of the NSA and the story
cannot be understanding here we had
every phone call email and text from
every device stored and archived whether
it be someone making a doctor's
appointment or the deeps date sitting up
a massive heroin purchase from the
Taliban in the right hands it will be
enough information to dispose the entire
sinister criminal plot to rob us blind
and wipe us out all that thought now I
need to explain the plan the good guys
were devising a plan to reclaim the
world from the Cabal and return it to
the people they would involve alliances
with multiple countries since the
criminals had global ratlines to Train
another infrastructure in place that
would need their cooperation it came
down to two choices for America launched
a military codices the government from
whichever cabal puppet was in the White
House at the time or when legitimately
take control of the NSA suppose the
criminals for what they are and arrest
them all obviously the first option would
be very troubling for the public with people
still preoccupied with Kabbalah
engineered social issues they would
likely revolt and hurt themselves and
others no it would have to be the latter
so they needed a candidate who could win
and who could win big
many states like California had been so
heavily and undated by criminals that
even the voting machines were
electronically set up to swing votes any
which way it would need to be a very
decisive victory good Patriots in the US
military and their global partners
assets Trump to run for president so
they could take back control America
legitimately without alarming the public
Trump was a good choice obviously
because he overcame the voter fraud at
one but he was a patriot and he was
loved and admired by the public he was
not interested in joining the cabal
mainly because they hated America he did
not agree with them on that point as
soon as he showed interest in taking
power he activated their media assets to
viciously turn on him that's when we saw
the sudden hatred emerge even when he
won the cabal still had no idea what he
was a part of and the sophisticated plan
that was about to unfold against them
shocked at their loss they mobilized
their full arsenal of intelligence media
money and technology to try and take
back power there are people at the top
of the DOJ and FBI and put together a
plan to frame come that have him
impeached this is where we come back to
the NSA again all messages were stored
and could be used to expose this plot
and prevent Trump's overthrown
an entire book will be written about the
first two years of Trump's presidency
false flag terror attacks down planes
missile alerts assassination attempts
here's the point world is currently
experiencing a dramatic covert war of
biblical proportions
literally the fight for earth between
the forces of good and evil I can't put
it in simpler terms but I can't say it
appears that good guys are winning the
Cabal had complete control over North
Korea they hijacked the Kim dynasty took
them hostage network to build up a
nuclear arsenal to threaten the world
Kim jong-un suddenly embracing peace was
simply because the deep state were
beaten and driven out Isis was also
destroyed in the year following Trump's
win we are all starting to see the
pattern now that enough time has passed
that our biggest global concerns are
starting to recede and peace is
returning it is all evidence that the
good guys are winning the war but we're
still in the middle while a lot is
improving it still puzzles many that
most of these known criminals are still
free especially the higher-ups like
Hillary Clinton the bushes and Obama
that is coming in the next chapter of
the story that's why we have cue the
good guys with control over the NSA
began the cue intelligence dissemination
program to invoke an online grassroots
movement that came to be called the
Great Awakening it started on
underground internet channels and then
moved to the mainstream queue has been a
fun distraction for those who follow
world events and desire truth but it is
about to begin a much more important and
necessary phase Deeping the public
informed when the deep state war breaks
out onto the surface by this I mean
rifle FAL arrests yes folks the
criminals I'm referring to our famous
politicians actors singers CEOs and
celebrities people whoever burned our
crust respect and admiration they have
done very bad things that are all fully
known and documented and they will be
severely punished those of us who are
fall accused since the beginning will be
here to help you make sense of the
coming events we are among the first to
realize now any partisan divisions are
just trivial distractions and we are all
enslaved by a hidden enemy
you realize that the problems never
capitalism or socialism democrat or
republican black or white Muslim or
Christian, we know it was just very
powerful criminals who had too much
power fellow slaves it's time to buckle
your seat belt recognize your true enemy
and Hebraic the new future that we all
owe to the brave Patriots who risk their
lives to achieve this victory begins the
greatest force of evil the world has
ever known. - May god bless America!

Learn more about The Deep State.