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This Week in Media Bias History: Clintons Are ‘Great’ and I’m ‘Pulling’ for Hillary

Sometimes liberal journalists just come right out and admit it. On May 27, 1993, Dan Rather told Bill Clinton that he and then-CBS Evening News partner Connie Chung hoped to be as “great” as the Democratic President and First Lady Hillary Clinton. Rather gushed, “Tell Mrs. Clinton we respect her and we’re pulling for her.” Keep in mind, this was just FOUR MONTHS into Clinton's presidency. 

This Week in Liberal Media Bias History readers may be used to journalists trashing conservatives. But on May 29, 2015, CNN’s Carol Costello demanded viewers agree with liberals or be called a “hater.” 

Below are Rich Noyes’s collected tweets from the 21st week of This Day in Media Bias History. To get the latest daily examples, be sure and follow Noyes on Twitter. (To see recaps of the first 20 weeks, go here.) 

May 26: 

May 27:

May 28:

May 29:

May 30:

May 31:

June 1:

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