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Tucker Slams Liberal Media for Finding Melania ‘Guilty’ of Being a Trump

Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson was on fire from the get-go Tuesday night, as he took the liberal media to task for pushing outlandish and wicked conspiracy theories regarding Melania Trump’s health and suggesting her marriage was abusive.

The liberal media have been weaving their web of baseless conspiracy theories because Melania had been taking time away from public life after undergoing a kidney procedure. “But over at CNN, they are not buying that story. They are proud journalists at CNN, self-consciously proud,” Carlson mocked. His first target for ridicule was media televangelist Brian Stelter:

So CNN did not buy a word of that and the network has assigned their most dogged journalist to crack the case, the squeak and persistent Brian Stelter, who hosts some kind of weekend show no civilian television viewer has ever actually seen.

Carlson continued to poke fun at the CNN media sycophant by teasing him about the hollow conspiracy he was spinning. “Stelter understood immediately that the whole ‘kidney operation’ story was just a cover for something darker and more sinister, likely another international scandal emanating from that dark lord Vladimir Putin himself,” he scoffed.

“There have been questions about her surgery, her time at Walter Reed and now her invisibility,” Stelter suggested in a clip from his Sunday show that Carlson played. Carlson accurately pointed out that those were not serious questions that serious people were asking. “Who is asking those questions? Brian Stelter didn't say because he couldn't say. Those are not real questions and this is not reporting, it’s a passive-aggressive attack.

CNN’s point was that Melania Trump is a liar and she's doing something immoral. She must be, look who she is married to,” he added.

Carlson then took on the darker and sinister suggestions by the liberal media, that the reason Melania was hiding from them was that she was nursing the scares from a violent encounter with her own husband:

Over at Rolling Stone which apparently still exists, someone called Jamil Smith speculated that Melania Trump was in hiding to conceal signs of physical abuse. At The Atlantic, David Frum agreed and then suggested that the President may have punched Melania and then ordered the Secret Service to cover it up.

The Fox News host slammed Frum for his Lifetime-movie-plot of an explanation for Melania’s absence by reminding viewers how “that at one time David Frum was a serious intellectual, or what passed for one in Washington. Now he is merely a buffoon.

Carlson also identified how the liberal media had a visceral hatred for Melania and defended her by noting how she didn’t have the qualities of an “overbearing public figure” like Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.

She married Donald Trump, and that is her only sin in the eyes of the press corps. And yet it's enough to disqualify her from even the most basic consideration of decency,” Carlson argued as he went on to play a clip of liberal sock-puppet Jimmy Kimmel mocking the First Lady for her accent. “So do you think Kimmel would be okay mocking the accent of one of his many Guatemalan housekeepers? (…) Well, she’s Trump. Therefore, she’s guilty.

The transcript is below, click "expand" to read: 

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FNC's Tucker Carlson Tonight
June 5, 2018
8:00:32 AM Eastern

TUCKER CARLSON: But first tonight, you probably heard that Melania Trump had a kidney operation last month, that kind of thing happens to 48-year-olds, even famous ones. She took a few weeks to recover, stayed off TV, didn't give any speeches. All pretty typical for someone who just got out of the hospital.

But over at CNN, they are not buying that story. They are proud journalists at CNN, self-consciously proud. And if there's one thing they knew for certain, one thing that was drummed into them at the top-shelf schools they attended, it’s that Republican first ladies lie a lot and are evil and for the sake of civilization must be destroyed.

So CNN did not buy a word of that and the network has assigned their most dogged journalist to crack the case, the squeak and persistent Brian Stelter, who hosts some kind of weekend show no civilian television viewer has ever actually seen. Stelter understood immediately that the whole “kidney operation” story was just a cover for something darker and more sinister, likely another international scandal emanating from that dark lord Vladimir Putin himself. Stelter hinted as much his viewers, watch.

BRIAN STELTER: One thing the President of the White House have been quiet about is Melania Trump and her status. The last time we caught a glimpse of her was on May 10th, 24 days and more than three weeks. There have been questions about her surgery, her time at Walter Reed and now her invisibility.

CARLSON: Questions about her surgery, questions about her time at Walter Reed? What questions exactly? Who is asking those questions? Brian Stelter didn't say because he couldn't say. Those are not real questions and this is not reporting, it’s a passive-aggressive attack. CNN’s point was that Melania Trump is a liar and she's doing something immoral. She must be, look who she is married to. Stephen Colbert came to the same conclusion, watch.

STEPHEN COLBERT: As of the time we are taping the show right now, the first lady has not been seen in public for 25 days. Well, I'm not surprised, I took that Shawshank guy years to tumble out. Melania is supposedly reemerging to attend an event in the White House tonight. But who can be sure because the event will be close to the press? But the White House did release the official photo proving the first lady was totally there.

CARLSON: Over at Rolling Stone which apparently still exists, someone called Jamil Smith speculated that Melania Trump was in hiding to conceal signs of physical abuse. At The Atlantic, David Frum agreed and then suggested that the President may have punched Melania and then ordered the Secret Service to cover it up.

Keep in mind that at one time David Frum was a serious intellectual, or what passed for one in Washington. Now he is merely a buffoon. And even more buffoonish, as of last night, when the actual Melania Trump showed up at a veterans’ event, very much alive and unscathed, so much for all those questions that Brian Stelter pretended to care about.

What's so interesting about all of this is how much journalists hate Melania Trump. Imagine hating Melania Trump. Whatever else she is, Melania is not an overbearing public figure. She's not lecturing you about your weight or trying to control your personal life. She doesn't weigh in on, I don’t know, tax rates or global warming. It's unlikely she will run for Senate from New York when this is all over. Nobody thinks she’s one her husband's key political advisors. You may never even have heard Melania Trump’s voice. Many people haven’t. She doesn't talk much in public.

Melania Trump has done absolutely nothing wrong to you, or anyone you know, or anyone you will ever meet. She married Donald Trump, and that is her only sin in the eyes of the press corps. And yet it's enough to disqualify her from even the most basic consideration of decency. Here, for example is super sensitive modern- guy comedian Jimmy Kimmel making fun of her accent which he thinks is silly and foreign sounding, alien, really.


CARLSON: So do you think Kimmel would be okay mocking the accent of one of his many Guatemalan housekeepers? How about of an MS-13 member? Please, that would be racist. But Melania? Well, she’s Trump. Therefore, she’s guilty.

There was a time when the left used to argue that people outta be judged for what they do not for who they’re related to. “We’re all individuals” liberals were forever telling us. And thank God they were. Collective punishment is wrong, it is immoral. That's what they said. Did they ever really believe that? Who knows, but they don't believe it now.


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