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U.S. Factory Activity Reflects Exceptionally Strong Economy, Demand and Production Output… #TopNews

Pontificating economic globalists are stuck between empirical good news and their preferred anti-Trump tariff narrative.  Economic media like the Wall Street Journal are filled with angst, as Trump’s manufacturing MAGAnomics continues to destroy their decades-long talking points and globalist preferences.

The analysis of June factory and manufacturing indicators from the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) highlight an expanding reality with: increased production, increased new orders, increased employment, and demand outpacing supplies and transportation capacity.  Yes, all of this means the Main Street U.S. economic engine is firing on all cylinders.  We can only imagine what the Q2 numbers will reflect when it’s all rolled up.

ISM DATA – “Comments from the panel reflect continued expanding business strength. Demand remains strong, with the New Orders Index at 60 percent or above for the 14th straight month, and the Customers’ Inventories Index remaining low. The Backlog of Orders Index continued to expand, reading at 60 percent of higher for the third consecutive month. Consumption, described as production and employment, continues to expand in spite of labor, skill and material shortages.

What does this mean in blue collar language?  Short term: OVERTIME pay folks…. maximum earnings possibilities as demand for factory and manufacturing has all employment working maximum production shifts. Long term: upward wage pressure, jobs, jobs, jobs.

For the Truck Drivers?  Work, work, work.  You got a rig, they need it hauled. Everywhere.

Cont…. Inputs, expressed as supplier deliveries, inventories and imports, had expansion increases, due primarily to negative supply chain issues. Lead-time extensions, steel and aluminum disruptions, supplier labor issues, and transportation difficulties continue. Export orders expanded at higher rates  (read more)

Inventory backlogs, “supply chain issues” equals not enough drivers and haulers to keep up with production shipment demand. Thirst for raw materials.  “Supplier labor issues”, sources of raw materials and ancillary origination parts are having a hard time staffing up for the demand.   Yup, more upward blue collar wage pressure.  “Transportation difficulties“, again, Truckers and shippers in high demand.

Do you know how many countries would love to have these problems?   All of ’em.

These are good ‘problems‘ for Main Street.

MAGAnomic success everywhere.

Big, fat, beautiful blue-collar paychecks baby….

Winnamins, stock up; we ain’t slowing down!

We ain’t seen nothing yet…


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