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VFN-CNN Uses Leak(s) of Podesta Referral To Defend Integrity of Mueller Investigation… #TopNews

Social media lit up upon seeing a carefully crafted CNN article outlining that sometime in “the spring” of 2018 team Mueller referred democrat lobbyist Tony Podesta, former Minnesota Republican Rep. Vin Weber, and former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig to the Southern District of New York. A cursory review indicates many people are looking at this story with an eye toward a possible prosecution…. But not so fast.

In the aggregate CNN supports the political objectives of the Mueller team; and CNN has invested millions in selling the anti-Trump ‘Russian Conspiracy’ narrative.

When you read the article closely, with eyes wide open, a more reasonable takeaway -based on the historic pattern- is that CNN is attempting to protect Robert Mueller and frame his highly-political legal team as bi-partisan in their investigative endeavors.

President Trump has focused a great deal of sunlight on the one-sided approach of Team Mueller; and a majority portion of the U.S. electorate now see the Mueller investigation for what it is, a political ‘witchhunt’.

Against the backdrop of a trial against Paul Manafort beginning; which is an in-your-face contrast to how his business partner Tony Podesta has been handled; only amplifies the one-sided-nature of the Mueller team’s collective intention.

Enter CNN, for a necessary assist.

Notice the singular and obscure author Notice the anonymous sourcing of the article. Notice the framework of the internal narrative as presented/engineered:

…”Mueller has come under scrutiny from Trump and others for what they perceive as the special counsel’s examination of matters beyond the scope of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election cycle, and Mueller’s referral of cases that aren’t closely linked to that central matter could be a way of insulating the special counsel probe from such backlash, people familiar with the situation said.”

Notice the front-loading of the narrative that appears immediately after the initial *shiny thing* (the referral):

…”None of the entities involved have been charged with wrongdoing, and there is no indication the SDNY inquiry will result in criminal charges.”

Notice the emphasis on presenting the Podesta defense position:

…”The Podesta Group has said it was fully cooperating with the special counsel’s office and said it didn’t register as a foreign agent for its ECFMU work because that group had misrepresented itself. The Podesta Group said it registered its work for ECFMU instead with Congress, based on what it said was faulty information the non-profit had provided and an outside legal opinion on the matter. The ECFMU had given the firm a statement attesting that it wasn’t an arm of a foreign government, the Podesta Group said. The Podesta Group said previously that it retroactively filed a disclosure after discussions with the Department of Justice.”

Overlay the obvious motive of CNN to protect their “muh Russia” investment; add-in CNN’s ideological alignment with the Mueller team; mix-in a little convenient timing, and odd referral drop-off venue selection; and top it all off with a baked-in  time-line that indicates nothing will come of this old “referral”:

…”Since the spring, Mueller has referred matters to SDNY involving”…

…And what you walk away with is CNN presenting a story convenient for Mueller’s current need; without any actual substance that would even remotely infer any prosecution of the aforementioned individuals will actually be taking place.

That’s not cynicism of the media; that perspective is just simply accepting how they have been engineering a one-way narrative for almost two years.

Suffice to say – one doesn’t have to be Nostradamus to predict any breaking news running counter to their interest will not be seen first on VFN-CNN.  Just sayin’.


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