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Planned Parenthood & NARAL Tweet About Who They ‘Still Believe’, Twitter Quickly Responds

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley referred Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnick to the DOJ “for  a possible criminal probe over allegations of false statements to Congress regarding Brett Kavanaugh,” as he should in this situation.

Grassley, a Republican from Iowa cited “contradictions” between what Avenatti’s client, Julie Swetnick, had originally told the Judiciary Committee about Kavanaugh in an affidavit in late September, and what she said about the then-Supreme Court nominee a few days later during an interview with NBC News.

In the letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray asking for an investigation, Grassley listed “potential violations” of federal criminal code, specifically “conspiracy, false statements and obstruction of Congress.”

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“Swetnick made her allegations in a sworn statement to the committee on September 26. In an October 1 interview with NBC News, however, Swetnick specifically and explicitly back-tracked or contradicted key parts of her sworn statement on these and other allegations,” the Judiciary Committee said in a statement.

“In subsequent interviews, Avenatti likewise cast serious doubt on or contradicted the allegations while insisting that he had thoroughly vetted his client,” according to the statement.

The Senate Judiciary tweeted Thursday on their verified Twitter account with the following announcement:

“Swetnick, Avenatti Referred for Criminal Investigation: Providing False Statements, Obstructing Congressional Investigations, and Conspiracy All Violate Federal Law 

Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti), aka “Creepy Porn Lawyer”, responded to Grassley’s referral saying he and Swetnick “welcome the investigation,” then slammed the senator for allegedly not showing enough interest into Swetnick’s claims.

“It is ironic that Senator Grassley now is interested in investigations. He didn’t care when it came to putting a man on the SCOTUS for life. We welcome the investigation as now we can finally get to the bottom of Judge Kavanaugh’s lies and conduct. Let the truth be known.”

Cheerleaders for abortion at Planned Parenthood and NARAL, stood by their girl, even while her claims crumbled:

Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) tweeted in response, “We still believe Julie Swetnick.

NARAL (@NARAL) also chimed in with their stance saying, “We still believe Julie Swetnick.

Alex Griswold, but Halloween-themed I guess (@HashtagGriswold) quote tweeted Planned Parenthood saying, “Julie Swetnick no longer believes the sworn statement made by Julie Swetnick”

Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) tweeted, “You’re dumber than we give you credit for. And that’s saying something.”

Alexandra DeSanctis (@xan_desanctis) tweeted, “of course you do, you miserable hacks”

Another Twitter user, Charles Watson(@cwatson34) pointed out some of Planned Parenthood’s other beliefs saying, “And you believe in killing babies. Doesn’t say much for you.”

Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) tweeted, “Facts don’t support her surviving anything of the sort.

So why believe her?”

Twitter user Proud Deplorable Hillbilly (@notbuyingthat54) quote tweeted Planned Parenthood, calling them a disgrace, “This is all you need to know about Planned Parenthood👇👇👇

They are claiming they believe Julie Swetnick…the most unreliable accuser…who accused someone of gang rape with no evidence or proof.

What a disgrace. @TuckerCarlson

In replying to NARAL’s tweet, (@LifeNewsHQ) said, “So you believe in making false gang rape claims against people you oppose. Figures.”

Twitter user jasonebeling (@jasonebeling) in response to NARAL’s tweet pointed out a few other things he hoped they believed in, “Hope you also believe that

Donald Trump is your President

Brett Kavanaugh is a Supreme Court Justice

Abortion is the intentional act of causing the unnecessary death of an unborn but developing human being”

Twitter user Christina Andreola (@CAndreola211) posted perhaps the response that sums up NARAL’s tweet along with a gif, “Facepalm with the giant hand from the Foo Fighters Everlong video.”

The “Twitterverse” also responded to the news of the referral:

Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) tweeted,”See Ya Mikie…. 🤣🤣🤣  There are repercussion when you FALSELY accuse someone of HEINOUS acts… Chuck Grassley REFERS Avenatti and Kavanaugh accuser to Justice Department for CRIMINAL probe…”

#ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) tweeted,”BOOM! Thank you to Senator Chuck Grassley for sending a criminal referral for Michael Avenatti & Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick.”

Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) also responded, “Good news for rule of law! Judiciary Committee Chairman made a criminal referral to the Justice Department against attorney Michael Avenatti and his client Julie Swetnick.”

Lee Stranahan (@stranahan) praised Grassley for his use of the word “hubbub” in the letter, tweeting, “The award for best use of the word “hubbub” goes to Senator in this letter that is giving a Very Bad Day.

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