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“Resist Marxism” Group Holding Pro-Freedom Rally in Rhode Island

A Rhode Island group is taking action against the violent, marxist political left, holding a pro-freedom rally at the State Capitol building on Saturday.

“Resist Marxism is returning to Providence on October 6th for a freedom rally,” according to the event’s Facebook page. “Since the rally falls on Columbus Day weekend, this is also an opportunity to celebrate freedom and the American way of life. We proclaim our pride in our nation, American identity, Constitution, language, and culture.”

The group held a similar event in August where two people were injured by violent attacks from masked Antifa mob members.

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The group wrote:

“On August 4th we had planned an authorized patriotic rally on the steps of the Rhode Island State House. For weeks leading up to the rally ‘Ocean State Against Hate’ and other far-left organizations launched a campaign of slander based upon falsehoods and threatened to shut it down by force. They labeled us ‘racists’ and ‘Nazis’ which could not be further from the truth. The rally was violently attacked by Antifa and other far-left agitators. These unprovoked attacks sent two people to the hospital including a US Army veteran who was struck in the head with a bike lock and an disabled woman whose knee cap was broken after being knocked to the ground and kicked.”

Big League Politics reported on the event:

A U.S. Army veteran and former candidate for U.S. Congress was struck in the head with a bike lock after an Antifa protest at the Rhode Island State House on August 4.

“According to police logs, Alexander Carrion, 34 of Providence, was arrested on the scene for “assault with intent to commit a felony — serious injury, and disorderly conduct. This is not the first time Carrion has been arrested at rallies in Rhode Island. In 2016, he was arrested while demonstrating against then candidate President Donald J. Trump at rally in Warwick,” said The Ocean State Current.

Carrion’s victim was Samson Racioppi, who was attacked while he escorted two elderly women to their car in a parking garage when police ordered the protestors to disperse. There, he was attacked by masked Antifa members.

The freedom fighters refuse to be intimidated.

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