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Minnesota Elects First Anti-ICE Homosexual Sheriff

In a major upset on Tuesday night, Dave “Hutch” Hutchinson defeated incumbent Rich Stanek to become the next Hennepin County Sheriff in Minnesota. Hutchinson, who is a police sergeant for Metro Transit, beat Stanek 264,511 (49.93 percent) to 262,182 (49.49 percent). Stanek was seeking his fourth term as sheriff.

On Wednesday, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey welcomed Hutchinson to City Hall. Hutch is the first openly gay sheriff in the Upper Midwest.

The sheriff-elect in Hennepin County says he is ready to get to work, but his emphasis is on protecting the immigrant community, as opposed to actual citizens in Minnesota.

“My promise has always been that immigrants, no matter their status or documentation can come to the Sheriff’s office for help,” Hutch said.

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Hutch campaigned hard against ICE and against immigration enforcement in his bid for office, as detailed in this Pacific Standard article “How To Beat ICE In Your Hometown? Run For Sheriff.”

However, Stanek is refusing to concede, arguing that the race is too close to call. Hutchinson’s campaign has declared victory, as well as the official Hennepin County Twitter account.

The Stanek campaign issued the following statement:

“On behalf of Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek, we thank everyone who voted in the Hennepin County Sheriff Election and to all the many volunteers who have supported this effort for the past several months.

“Yesterday’s election results were extremely close. The information we have shows that this race is too close to call, and that the results are not yet official. At this time the Sheriff Stanek Volunteer Committee will await the Hennepin County Canvassing Board meeting scheduled for next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. before making further comment.”

While serving as Sheriff, Stanek was under increasing criticism from Left wing state leaders and then U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison to comply with Sanctuary City protocol. Ellison, who is a Muslim, has worked to open Minnesota’s borders to hordes of Islamic immigrants, despite the fact that increased Islamic immigration has brought crime and terrorism to Minnesota.

During the campaign, Stanek was under fire due to multiple high-profile arrests of his son Ryan, who was soliciting a minor for sex and had child pornography on his cell phone depicting violent sexual images of children as young as three years old.

Stanek’s son was sentenced to three months in jail.

Prior to Stanek’s upset loss, he made national news after being involved in a physical altercation with a former FBI agent on June 27, 2017 in Reno, NV.

Hennepin County has a new Sheriff in town, and time will tell what effect Hutch’s pro-Sanctuary state and anti-ICE policies will have on a county with a heavy Somali immigrant population, many of whom have committed acts of terrorism and violent crimes since living in Minnesota.

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