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Progressive Candidate in Florida Bashes Broward County Elections Supervisor as ‘Serial Election Rigger’

“Brenda Snipes and the rest of her crew at the Broward County Supervisor of Elections do not deserve any presumption of impartiality, honesty, integrity, or competence, said Tim Canova, according to report. “Snipes illegally destroyed the ballots cast in my 2016 primary against Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Yet, there’s been no criminal investigations by state or federal law enforcement agencies.”

Tens of thousands of uncounted ballots have been “found” in Broward County, but Snipes has not provided any updates on exactly how many there are, or how many remain uncounted.

“For months, I have been calling for criminal investigations,” Canova reportedly said. “I have warned that Snipes is a serial election rigger who would rig the recent elections. I do not believe in the accuracy of any election returns reported out of Broward County. To restore integrity in our elections, we need to ban electronic voting machines and instead move to 100% paper ballots counted by hand in public. Without free and fair elections, we have no democracy.”

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Canova Tweeted the now-viral video of ballots being transported in private vehicles on election night.

“Caught On Video: Concerned citizen sees ballots being transported in private vehicles & transferred to rented truck on Election night. This violates all chain of custody requirements for paper ballots. Were the ballots destroyed & replaced by set of fake ballots? Investigate now!” he said.

It is important to note that Canova is a Democrat. Undoubtably, the battle over uncounted ballots in both Florida and Arizona will become a partisan issue, with lines drawn based on party loyalty. Republicans won Florida. For a Democrat to break with the left-wing narrative and complain of voter fraud makes Canova’s testimony particularly noteworthy.

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