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2011 VIDEO: Comey Heaped Praise On His Friend Robert Mueller, Whom He Spoke To ‘Nearly Every Day’

Fired former FBI director James Comey offered effusive, over-the-top praise for his friend Robert Mueller on June 8, 2011 when Mueller came up for a two-year extension as FBI director. The Senate approved the extension despite a Rand Paul fight in opposition to Mueller.

“I know Bob Mueller very well, and believe that he is one of the finest public servants this nation has ever seen,” Comey said.

“When I was deputy attorney general during those two years, I spoke to Bob Mueller nearly every day, and I watched as his remarkable combination of intellect and tenacity drove the FBI’s counterterrorism efforts. Because the director’s standards were so high, everybody’s work had to be better. His relentless probing, which was rooted in an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the enemy and our capabilities to respond to the enemy, rippled through the FBI and the rest of the national security community,” Comey said.

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