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Breaking News Director: We Can Build The Wall With Private Donations director Quentin Kramer is part of a nationwide phenomenon that has gone into hyperdrive in recent days: American citizens want to privately fund the Wall. There’s nothing stopping us, the citizenry, from getting the job done, and this method would certainly fall under the “Whatever It Takes” strategy that President Trump has laid out. (READ: CONFIRMED: The Government CAN Build The Wall With Brian Kolfage’s GoFundMe Money).

President Trump is doing a solid job of piecing together the Wall with the resources he has — doling out another building contract on Christmas Eve — and General Mattis leaving Defense Department improves Trump’s chances to get it built through the military. But will it be enough?

“Now more than ever it’s obvious that it’s up to us to make it happen. If we don’t make our voices heard in the next few days it might be our last chance for the next two years,” Kramer told Big League Politics. Kramer is the managing director of the American Border Foundation, which created

Kramer’s group provides research and support to the nationwide effort to crowdsource the Wall, which is being led by Brian Kolfage, the triple-amputee Air Force veteran whose GoFundMe has now exceeded $17 million in private donations. All of that money is legally allowed to be donated to the Department of Homeland Security for the specific purpose of building the Wall.

Trending: CONFIRMED: The Government CAN Build The Wall With Brian Kolfage’s GoFundMe Money

“We had three primary goals. 1) can we make it a nonprofit 2) can we get the funds to DHS 3) can we make sure they use the money for the border wall? If Congress decides not to fund the wall, we can provide a conduit directly to DHS to get the border secured,” Kramer said. “I thought, let’s go with it.”

Is it practical? President Trump wants $5 billion from Congress, which is the only issue at the middle of this nearly week-long government shutdown, in which Trump is showing no signs of backing down.

“America gave $410 billion to charity last year. The Wall would cost about 2.5 percent of that. Americans will spend more than a trillion dollars on Christmas this year. The question is, do we have the will to do it?,” Kramer said.

“$13 million a day is the pace, but if you slice it up, it’s only a few dollars a person. There are 63 million people who voted for President Trump. You have private corporations and there’s nothing stopping foreign persons from donating.”

“The real trick is getting the word out to people.”

Kramer is not optimistic that Congress will fund the Wall.

“It’s hard to say, at this point, from that standpoint I gave up on that a long time ago. It’s a real game of chicken. Anything the Democrats give at this point, there’s no way for them to save face. It’s hard to see what will come of this government shutdown. All Trump can do is get, there’s no give,” Kramer said.

Kramer points to our Big League Politics article by Jonathon Moseley, published Wednesday, in which Moseley makes an airtight case for why it’s possible for citizens to privately fund the Wall.

“In this particular case, because it’s DHS, because the Secure Fence Act exists, then it can work for this case. Once people get that message, we can do it,” Kramer said.

Here is Jonathon Moseley’s complete article on the Citizen Crowdsourcing effort to Build the Wall:

A total of $17,313,633 had been donated by 284,843  individuals in just 9 days as of late afternoon December 26, to fund part of the border wall. The campaign is a GoFundMeappeal started by U.S. Air Force veteran and triple-amputee Brian Kolfage.  His campaign has more information at  A parallel appeal by the American Border Foundation has raised another $191,755  at

Attempting to discourage this effort, Democrats and the mainstream news media are arguing that the government is not allowed to accept donations for a specific purpose, Congress would have to vote on it, and — to subtly sow doubts — “it isn’t clear” how this would work.  The surge of popular support undercuts the narrative of open borders activists that the border wall is not popular or that support for Trump is eroding.

Criticism from ABC News, Democrats and others that it isn’t clear how this would work doesn’t mean that the organizers have doubts. Brian Kolfage declares that his group has contacts discussing the plans with the Trump Administration.  The American Border Foundation claims to have an even more extensive plan worked out.

So can private donations help build Trump’s border wall with Mexico?  I will say yes, as an attorney for 21 years, having worked for both Judicial Watch and Larry Klayman’s current Freedom Watch, and worked for five years in the federal government including in budgeting and expenditure issues.

First, let’s start with the clincher:  Who would object?  Courts state and federal have been waging a war on citizens who want to hold their government to the law. Courts keep raising the bar on who has “standing” to bring a lawsuit in court, closing the door on the courts to the citizens.

So imagine this: Citizens raise, oh, I don’t know, $100 million to donate towards a section of the border wall.  The organizers tender payment of the money to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (or perhaps the Army Corps of Engineers). President Donald Trump says yes, take it. The agency receives the funds. They are not complaining.

Left-wing organizations will rush to the nearest federal judge. What “standing” do they have to object? If I withhold from you $1,000 I owe you, you have been aggrieved.  If I give you $1,000 you did not expect or have any right to, how have you been harmed?  So if the federal courts follow their own oft-repeated rules on why citizens cannot require the government to follow the law, they will have to find that no one has standing to object to a windfall.

Second, however, it has long been the law that private citizens can donate to the government. In 2012, a billionaire donated $7.5 million to help rebuild the Washington monument after the August 2012 Virginia Earthquake. Most of the legal authority focuses on when a taxpayer can deduct a donation to the U.S. Treasury from his or her income taxes.  Most legal discussion involves general donations to reduce the national debt. Believe it or not, the Bureau of the Public Debt gets a lot of private donations every year.

Laws and regulations specific to different departments and agencies provide different rules. For example, the regulations for the U.S. Department of Defense provide procedures unique to helping soldiers and sailors. Some legal authority pertains to donating to medical research, museums, libraries, or schools.

The governing laws and regulations for DHS are silent on the use of gifts. It is neither prohibited nor provided for. There is no general rule for the U.S. Government as a whole. For some departments, gifts are allowed only if they are “unconditional” — that is, donated to the general fund not targeted to any particular activity. Other departments do allow “conditional” gifts for a particular purpose.

DHS explicitly permits such donations at the directive level. DHS Directive Number: 112-02 Issued on February 11, 2008, “Gifts To The Department Of Homeland Security”  explicitly states in Section V:  “E. DHS may accept gifts to carry out program functions regardless of whether or not appropriated funds are available for that purpose, provided such expenditures are not barred by law or regulation.” (The American Border Foundation  deserves the credit for finding this gem.)

There are regulations and laws that appear to prohibit donations but those involve situations in which accepting the donation for a specific purpose would thereby obligate the department to draw upon other funds in addition to the donated funds to carry out the project.

[UPDATE:   An alert commentator on this article at Free Republic reminds us of President Ronald Reagan’s appeals for students to send in their pennies to restore the Statute of Liberty and Ellis Island.  The private donations to save Lady Liberty were so extensive that “they wrote a book about it,”  The Statue of Liberty: A Transatlantic Story.  A private foundation raised $100 million towards the $230 million budget, of which $63 million came from corporate deals negotiated largely by Lee Iacocca.  See  Corporations Saved the Statue of Liberty:  A new book details how corporate America pitched in big time when Lady Liberty needed a facelift.  H/T McGavin999]

Third, Congress has already voted to build a border wall.  The Secure Fence Act of 2006  both authorizes and requires the building of physical barriers along the entire Southern border, except where the natural topography creates a physical barrier naturally.  The word “fence” should not confuse us.  The law requires DHS to determine whatever is necessary to completely prevent any unauthorized entry.  So in the 2006 law, “fence” is explicitly defined to mean “whatever it takes.”  The law is not limited to a fence, but requires a complete barrier to entry into the United States without permission.  It merely leaves it to DHS to decide in each location given the terrain what is appropriate in each section.

Fourth,  GoFundMe has elaborate procedures and requirements.  The money will not be released without verification that the money will be delivered to the purpose that was promised to donors. GoFundMe is prepared to automatically refund donations if proper release of the funds is not confirmed, since donations are by credit card.

For the Democrats, everything is at stake.  Recall that Democrats have pinned all their hopes on future demographic changes in the U.S. electorate.  Democrats live in the world of stereotyping based on race.  Therefore, Democrats believe that all Hispanics will vote the same way as a group.  All Blacks.  Women are being vote-shamed for having their own individual opinions and harassed for not voting for the Democrats.

Democrats are convinced that change is coming.  See:  Joshua Holland, “Can Democrats Count on Demographic Shifts to Put Them Back in Power?,” The Nation,  January 18, 2017.   This fundamental transformation of America’s voters is an article of faith among Democrat thinkers.  See John B. Judis and Ruy Teixeira, The Emerging Democratic Majority, Scribner Book Company, 2004.

For Democrats, this is a fight they cannot afford to lose  And for conservatives it is a fight we must win.  Whether or not the United States of America continues to exist is on the line.

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