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Here’s What You Need to Know About the Flynn Sentencing Hearing

Tuesday, Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn appeared in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia to face sentencing for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The case stems from Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe into Russian “collusion” between President Donald J. Trump and the Kremlin, for which there is still no evidence.

Fireworks flew in the courtroom as Judge Emmet Sullivan, appointed by former President William J. Clinton, suggested that Flynn could be charged with treason.

“You were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the president!” he said. “Arguably, this undermines everything this flag over here stands for! Arguably, you sold your country out!”

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But that was not true. Flynn’s conduct as a foreign agent ended in mid-November, 2016 around the time Trump was elected president and far before he was inaugurated. Someone must have alerted Sullivan that he was acting foolishly, because after a brief recess, the Judge apologized for his own hysteria – after the mainstream press had already written headlines linking Flynn to treason. Well done.

“I felt terrible about that,” Sullivan said in his apology. “I’m not suggesting he committed treason.”

Now, according to multiple reports, Flynn has agreed to postpone his sentencing until a later date.

sentencing postponed indefinitely with an update on March 13, 2019. Judge Sullivan has more questions about Special Counsel’s and FBI conduct,” said Sara Carter, one of the leading reporters on the “collusion” investigation.

Serious questions have been raised regarding Mueller’s conduct in obtaining Flynn’s guilty plea, and the manner in which he was interrogated before being caught in a lie during the investigation.

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