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SHOCKING FOOTAGE: French Police Forced To Flee By Yellow Vest Protestors

Footage being released today on ongoing “yellow vests” in the nation of France reveals that the working class protest movement against the neoliberal and climate alarmist policies of French President Emmanuel Macron are far from over.

A video surfacing of ongoing Paris demonstrations showed a chaotic and hectic scene in which French police officers appeared totally unable to control the situation, in which yellow vest-clad protestors were seen lobbing back tear gas canisters that apparently had been dispensed throughout the crowds.

Outnumbered and overwhelmed, the French police-seemingly equipped for the very purpose of controlling a riot akin to their circumstances- were seen fleeing the scene on motorcycles.

Watch the intense footage below:

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Another view of the spectacle revealed how clearly the mass of protesters outnumbered and swarmed the beleaguered police officers.

The yellow vest mass protest movement arose weeks ago throughout France, spurred by a crushing new carbon tax instituted by the limousine liberal Emmanuel Macron that was slated to make everyday life far more difficult for working French citizens. The mass movement of protestors, which was said to bring out a whopping total of 282,000 people on November 17th, seems to still be going strong from the potent demonstration that occurred in Paris today.

Macron would go on to back down in the face of mass public opposition to his environmentalist fuel tax by canceling the measure, but the protests endured nonetheless, taking a wider stance of opposition to Macron’s neoliberal policies. Now it remains to be seen if the demands of many yellow vest demonstrators to remove the widely unpopular President from office will be met.

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