WINNING: Whitaker Is Mueller’s Boss Now

Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general, is not recusing himself from overseeing the Robert Mueller investigation because that would be a ridiculous thing to do and principled American leaders no longer have to listen to Democrat and mainstream media scam narratives when making decisions about what to do for this country.
ABC News is forced to report: “Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker chose not to recuse himself from the Russia investigation even though a top Justice Department ethics official advised him to step aside out of an “abundance of caution,” a senior official said Thursday. Whitaker’s past criticism of the Russia investigation has raised questions about whether he can oversee it fairly. The ethics official said this week that a recusal was “a close call,” but suggested that Whitaker remove himself, even though he was not required to do so. Whitaker decided not to take the advice.” ABC News passage ends
Yeah, take your “advice” elsewhere.
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Robert Mueller’s special counsel’s office reviewed Peter Strzok’s text messages from during his tenure at the FBI, but those text messages are obviously not going to see the light of day.
By some mechanical manipulation, the text messages for both Strzok and Page are gone, baby, gone, according to a new inspector general’s report. The Mueller team is specifically responsible for the scrubbing of the Strzok phone, while the explanation for the Page phone is a bit more muddied.
I'm sure you're all super shocked to find out that Lisa Page's phone was also scrubbed
— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) December 13, 2018
WASHINGTON — More and more details are pouring out about the underhanded conspiracy to damage and impeach President Donald Trump by Obama operatives John Brennan, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and a few others. The effort even has a special code name: Operation Crossfire Hurricane.
They used Peter Strzok as their go-to guy, which is why their operation is now falling apart. Strzok’s massive illegal activities and incompetence could open up the entire Crossfire Hurricane team to numerous federal charges.
Both John Brennan and James Comey used Peter Strzok to damage President Donald Trump. Strzok is the disgraced FBI agent and fired Robert Mueller team member whose text messages with mistress Lisa Page form the biggest scandal in FBI history. The lovers conspired to illegally bring down Trump, all while the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign.
Strzok interviewed Hillary Clinton without putting her under oath, and granted immunity to Cheryl Mills and Clinton’s other associates right before he flew to London to meet with Christopher Steele to work on the anti-Trump dossier, which was sponsored by the Clinton-funded firm Fusion GPS. That dossier was used to fraudulently obtain FISA warrants to surveil Trump Tower. Barack Obama read bits of the dossier in his daily presidential briefings, courtesy of Brennan. Fusion GPS, meanwhile, sent operatives into Trump Tower to entrap Don Jr. and Jared Kushner in a meeting with planted Russians.
When it was time for the conspirators to focus on Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, Strzok was there to run information about the adviser to the Australians. When it was time to take out Trump’s national security adviser General Michael Flynn, Strzok was there to stage an “ambush” interrogation of Flynn without Flynn’s lawyer present.
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