Longtime Radicals to Command Power in the House and Work Against The People’s’ Interests

As the Democratic Party takes control of the House of Representatives, their starting line-up of committee chairmen reveals an alarming trend: radicalism and socialism have found a home in the Democratic Party and now the halls of the House of Representatives.
Steeped in establishment politics, far too many rising Democratic “leaders” hail from a bygone era of radicalism and confrontation.
Radicals like Maxine Waters (CA-43) used to be easily dismissed as fringe figures of the far left. Not anymore. Now, the firebrand, Antifa-inspiring congresswoman from California is the new chair of the House Financial Services Committee – a frightening prospect indeed.
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The incoming chairwoman has previously expressed a desire for the federal government to seize control of oil companies, led a group of celebrities in a chant to impeach President Trump last fall, and has repeatedly called for mobs to harass administration officials.
Waters’ years of radicalism are made worse by the fact that her family personally profited from her congressional position every step of the way, raking in more than $1 million with her assistance.
It’s no wonder that the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington have designated Waters “Most Corrupt member of Congress” in 2005, 2006, 2009, 2011, and 2017.
Waters is hardly the only retro-radical character in the House Democrat leadership. Jerry Nadler (NY-10), the new chair of the Judiciary Committee, is also considered one of the most liberal lawmakers in the entire chamber.
This self-described “liberal lion” was recently overheard on a train telling his cronies that he wants to go “all-in” on the Russia conspiracy theory and impeach both President Trump and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh once Democrats assume control of the House in January.
Just in case there are any lingering doubts about his extremist ideological inclinations, Nadler has also dismissed most of the Democrats’ likely 2020 contenders as “too conservative.”
The chairman of the Oversight Committee, Rep. Elijah Cummings (MD-7), is all-in for launching an endless flurry of frivolous probes against President Trump as soon as he gets control of this powerful committee.
Cummings also holds radical views on immigration, insisting that we allow thousands of “caravaners” into the country illegally.
Moreover, Cummings has backed proposals to give federal workers and public sector unions even greater leverage over the government. Make no mistake — his tenure as head of the Oversight Committee will be just as radical as the rest of his career.
Even seemingly establishment Democrats are prepared to implement a takedown strategy against President Trump. Just take a look at the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff (CA-28).
As a congressman, Schiff pushed for a blatantly unconstitutional bill to block President Trump’s pardon power, tried to repeal the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act — which would allow liberal activists to bankrupt the gun industry — and proposed a constitutional amendment banning conservative speech under the guise of campaign finance reform.
Schiff also believes it’s his job to “check the ambition of an imperial and erratic president,” and he’ll surely use the Intelligence Committee’s broad powers to carry out that threat.
Just like so many of his colleagues, House Ethics Committee Chairman Ted Deutch (FL-22) has called for President Trump’s impeachment, accusing him of obstructing justice last year.
Deutch has a legislative record that fully exposes his radical liberal ideology. For example, Deutch pushed for a 2017 bill that would have created $200 million in “climate change bonds.” And like the rest of his Democratic colleagues, Deutch voted against giving hard-working Americans a pay raise in the form of the Trump tax cuts.
The Sun Sentinel has aptly described Deutch as “one of the most liberal members of the Florida congressional delegation” with “a lifetime [liberal] score of 95 percent.”
The most radical elements of the Democratic caucus have taken control of some of the most powerful committees in the House of Representatives. These faces, however, are not new — they are the same old liberals who have driven the party’s agenda for decades.
Nancy Pelosi may talk of bipartisanship, but that’s only because she knows she can rely on the true-blue extremists leading the major House committees to advance the Democrats’ real agenda of uncompromising obstruction.
Make no mistake about it — there’s nothing new about these old establishment Democrats whose ideas are just radical retreads that will act against the interests of the American people.
Gone is the party of President John F. Kennedy.
Kayleigh McEnany is the national spokesperson for the Republican National Committee. She has a J.D. from Harvard Law School and BSFS from Georgetown School of Foreign Service. She also studied at Oxford University, St. Edmund Hall. Kayleigh is the author of the book “The New American Revolution: The Making of a Populist Movement.”
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