How media employ psychological tethers trading reality for a driven narrative?
Let's break down the taboo of mind-control.
We dive into and deliver the hard reality of what some will never come to accept.
After watching Politic's for years and now having a deep understanding of how hypnosis works. I needed to admit that the writers of these Political speeches have become extremely adept and talented in the style of neurolinguistic programming also known as NLP (a sophisticated form of verbal intellectual control). This recent Chuck and Nancy Pelosi speech is a clear NLP laced narrative where 'they'... I feel are unconsciously projecting a state of hypnosis to their base at home. They themselves seem to be in a trance.
Truthfully, we are all hypnotic beings open to programming. We fall into a hypnotic state often throughout the day. For example, when we jump on the highway and fall into deep thoughts; time passes by much quicker, it seems. It's simply because we fall into a state of hypnosis. When we first begin to watch television, for example, the surrounding areas around the T.V. begin to fade and our focus is only on the footage we are watching. This too is an example of how malleable our minds are.
There is a great awakening happening because it was forced into the light. Frighteningly, mind-control is as real as the air we breathe. And many are now awake surrounded by those completely checked out of reality... In a very real sense, they're stuck in cognitive dissonance. So let's dive in, shall we... Television is the preferred and most effective method of delivering mind control, and it's the snake that has been sinking its fangs into us for decades. Those that control have hidden their most powerful weapon in the open.
Now... once you accept that we are hypnotic beings you will then realize that co-oped souls in high positions within our Government created black projects. Programs like the recently declassified MK-Ultra research program. Which gave independent covert rouge 3-letter agencies the ability to test and manipulate the minds of soldiers and program and use hundreds of selected human subjects. Perfecting scientifically mind control techniques and even patented devices.
Is it? Television News or Tell-a-vision News? The News is brought to you by Writers - Programmers & Directors. And these narratives are delivered to you by Anchors each night. Now you tell me?A Hypnotist; before being able to put someone under must establish several things first. Credibility, Confidence, Trust, Compliance... Only then can Submission, Rapport and finally Anchoring a Command using a full state of Hypnosis take place.
These News organizations have been employing these techniques for decades. Hypnosis is real and our world has been under a deeply programmed spell. And many are still and will die under this spell. It's a power they have established over decades. Those that wish to be fully awakened please take a class or read a book about the fundamentals of hypnosis and how it works. Then try watching the NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt as I did. You will be awakened to these tactics right away. The music calls from the living room a familiar sound, a call to attention. The music opens with a beautifully orchestrated piece called "The Mission" written by none other than John Williams writer/composer of a very small film called Star Wars.
This video breaks it down.
What is The Mission? (The mission is for your mind)
It's a subconscious symphonic piece so powerful and so moving and beautiful that we feel their Credibility in every note and we feel their Confidence in how the opening narrative delivered over-top the rumbling build-up before the long-trumpeted horns. Horns that pierce through the nerve endings raising the small hairs on your neck like an antenna ready to receive Programming.
By the time we move closer to our TV, we're already giving ourselves over. This is a well-oiled machine of programming. Long since gone are the days where we once felt like we had a chair in the Newsroom with Walter Cronkite as he delivered his report off of the teletype machine. Let's come to understand reality here: Scripted News is fake News. Why? - Because it's not coming from the person discussing the problem with real feeling or emotion. Anchors and Newscasters that can't hold their emotion in when delivering a report. Do not last in this industry. Why is that? How come we don't question this?
Why have we accepted a sterile form of News over the hard truths?
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Fan based poster of the movie THEY LIVE. |
"The door is open and yet you stay inside".
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