The Rebellion Continues – Increased Yellow Vest Protests France Following Arrest of Key Organizer – Government Spokesman Evacuated by Police… #TopNews
Last Wednesday night the arrest of a key political organizer of the Yellow Vest protests, a 33-year-old truck driver named Eric Drouet, spurred the movement to claim French President Macron was now arresting his political opponents. The arrest of Drouet has led to an increase in retaliation by the group against the French government. [Video from today]
Yellow Vest demonstrators are now allied with various groups from across the political spectrum; most peaceful, but some, notsomuch. This led to French government ministry official Benjamin Griveaux warning Emmanuel Macron yesterday that a “full blown revolution” was possible.
The evidence to support Mr. Briveauz’s dire warning did not take long to surface as a team of masked intruders used a forklift and broke into the French ministry causing police and special forces to evacuate him to safety.
(Via Daily Mail) […] He said they were radicals ‘who seek insurrection and basically want to overthrow the government.’
Today there were around 3000 of them in Paris alone, with another 22,000 plus in other parts of France.
Teargas, water canon and baton charges were used by riot police on a so-called ‘Act VIII’ Day of Rage organised by the Yellow Vest movement.
It followed the arrest the 33-year-old Eric Drouet, one of the group’s most high-profile leaders, on Wednesday night.
Today, there was initial trouble around the River Seine, where police unleashed gas and flash balls at a crowd Yellow Vests, who are named after their high visibility road safety jackets.
All were attempting to march on the National Assembly, the French parliament, but were held back.
This led to fighting on the footbridges crossing the river, and then on the nearby Boulevard St Germain.
By nightfall, the disturbances had spilled over to other famous avenues, including the Champs Elysee. (read more)
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