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Construction of 30-Foot Border Wall Begins in San Diego

In the midst of President Donald J. Trump’s border wall battle with Congressional Democrats who insist on defying security to the American people, construction of a 30-foot border wall has begun in San Diego.

“U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Tuesday that the first panels are in place to replace a steel-mesh fence with steel bollards up to 30 feet high,” according to reports. “It is the second layer of barrier in San Diego. Work on replacing the first layer is nearly complete, which is also 14 miles long and made of steel bollards up to 30 feet high.”

Simultaneously, 33 miles of border wall construction is just beginning in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

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“Congress last March approved more than $600 million for 33 miles of new barriers in the Rio Grande Valley,” said a Washington Times report. “While President Donald Trump and top Democrats remain in a standoff over Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion in border wall funding, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has pushed ahead with building what’s already funded.”

“According to designs it released in September, [Customs and Border Patrol] intends to build 25 miles of concrete walls to the height of the existing flood-control levee in Hidalgo County next to the Rio Grande, the river that forms the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas,” the report continues. “On top of the concrete walls, CBP will install 18-foot steel posts and clear a 150-foot enforcement zone in front.”

There is still a great deal of work to be done to secure the border, as Trump promised during his campaign. There is about 2,000 miles of borderland.

Trump declared a national emergency in order to allocate Department of Defense funds for the building of the wall. Sixteen states have filed lawsuits against the Trump administration to block the national emergency.

Friday, Democrats in the House of Representatives introduced a bill for that would also hinder Trump’s ability to use the national emergency option.

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