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HOLY CATS !! Epic Open Press Oval Office Meeting Between President Trump and Vice Premier Liu… #TopNews

Jumping Ju-Ju Bones….  I’ll get a video and transcript downloaded soon, but boy howdy… Thirty years of President Trump -vs- China trade just roared to the surface in the Oval Office.

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, AG Secretary Sonny Perdue, NEC Chairman Larry Kudlow, U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Brandstad, Trade Adviser Peter Navarro with China’s Vice Premier Liu He, and multiple Chinese vice ministers/senior officials were all in the Oval Office for a discussion of current trade status…. and the outcome was epic.

Secretary Mnuchin announces the Chinese delegation will be staying in DC for an additional two-days of negotiations.   Heck, he’s got em.  The Chinese team can’t leave, not without a preliminary deal, because Trump is going to Vietnam next week and the phase-two tariffs kick in March 1st.

While Vice Premier Liu is seated directly in front of him POTUS Trump answers a reporter question about Chinese technology and cyber-security.  Trump notes that he wants open and fair tech competition, but if China represents a security threat… well, that changes the dynamic.  Liu is seated right in front of President Trump….  EPIC !

USTR Lighthzer notes that they are making great progress toward the six-step Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and POTUS Trump says he ain’t buying any of that MOU nonsense; Trump wants a cemented, contractual, binding trade agreement, nothing less… In essence: stuff that MOU nonsense, enough with the talk, talk, talk plans; get a granular binding deal that he can review.



Hilarious, considering the Chinese delegation have been working toward the duplicitous MOU panda scheme for months, and Trump just eviscerated it.

President Trump and Secretary Mnuchin also announced they’re working toward a summit between Chairman Xi and President Trump in March, likely in Mar-a-Lago.

[Fava beans, Chianti and a nice Diet Coke, I presume].


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