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Sidney Powell Highlights the Origin of FISA Abuse and Election Campaign Surveillance… #TopNews

Sidney Powell is one of a very few people who tenaciously keep reminding media pundits about the origin of the political surveillance efforts in the 2016 election: the FBI and NSA FISA-702(16)(17) abuse scandal.

In this report broadcast by Sharyl Attkisson and Full Measure News, Ms. Powell reminds everyone of the 2017 published FISA court review by Judge Rosemary Collyer that lies at the origin of the political surveillance deployed by hidden FBI contractors.


The suspicion has always been that Fusion-GPS was one of the FBI contractors with access to the FBI/NSA database; and was using their access to conduct political opposition research.  According to the Collyer report 85 percent of all database searches were unlawfully carried out by FBI contractors.  There were thousands of searches in 2015 and 2016 during the presidential election campaign season until NSA Director Mike Rogers ordered an audit and eventually halted contractor access.


The issues may seem complex, and the downstream consequences might seem too wonky to absorb.  However, since CTH initially uploaded and presented the FISC Collyer report, in the shareable pdf format above, the 99-page report has been reviewed and read over 1.1 million times at the CTH SCRIBD account alone.

If the Rosemary Collyer FISC report was a book it would be a NYT bestseller.

So yeah, We The People are interested in justice.  Never sell the American people short.

When DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz finishes his current FISA abuse investigation there will be many people with a solid understanding of a complex issue who will review his findings.


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