EXCLUSIVE: Out Magazine Editor Defends Suggestion That Rapper Deserved to Die for ‘Gay Agenda’ Comments

An editor at an LGBT magazine defended an opinion piece published Monday suggesting that rapper Nipsey Hussle deserved to die for what it perceived to be attacks against the LGBT Community.
“Black LGBTQ+ People Deserve to Feel How They Want About Nipsey Hussle,” said the cryptic headline by Raquel Willis, Out Magazine’s executive editor.
Hussle was shot in the face in an apparent gang-land style murder. Here’s how many in LGBT land responded:
Maybe don’t be a homophobic POS while alive?
— 🇺🇸 Migs (@Miguel_M1GS) April 1, 2019
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I'm supposed to feel bad about this dude dying cos he gave back to the community that he took from ? When he would leave my gay, Black ass in the street ? I think TF not .. And all yawl on… https://t.co/Xb0c08KCGy
— Dricey (@miss_akieva) April 1, 2019
Willis’s headline affords such broad leeway to her gay compatriots on how they “deserve to feel” in the wake of Hussle’s violent death, leading many to believe that either Hussle suffered a relatively pedestrian fate such as cancer or that Hussle had somehow engaged in a public, prolonged, and notable battle against LGBTQ rights.
It is precisely for the reason that many of Willis’s homosexual and genderqueer comrades were expressing their hatred and anger at Hussle after his death that Willis had to afford them this broad leeway leeway.
Neither of Willis’s implications is true. Hussle’s demise was a violent one.
Willis’s explains her callousness as follows:
So when [sic] an instance like this, a person who has a recent history of speaking ill about LGBTQ+ people and never fully engaged with evolving on the issue (at least publicly) is being honored, many of us can’t help to side-eye.
The thrust of Willis’ piece was that while Hussle was revered by many in the black community for his dedication to public service – indeed he was scheduled to meet Tuesday with the Los Angeles Police Department to discuss gang violence – that one Tweet and one Instagram proved him to be homophobic, and thus, he did not deserve to be mourned by homosexuals, and interpreted broadly, deserved to die.
“When a notable person dies, there’s a way that the general public analyzes everything that the person ever did, for better or worse. However, there are harmful actions or behaviors that are seen as more or less an indictment on the individual as a whole,” Willis said in the piece.
In Hussle’s case, his indicting and “harmful action” was openly discussing the gay agenda.
“None of us should be forced or even expected to mourn people who have operated as our oppressor,” she continued.
Willis thinly veiled her suggestion that Hussle deserved his death by saying that, in her eyes, it is unacceptable to “make light of another person’s passing.”
Hussle was not exactly an ardent anti-LGBT activist. He once had a dust up on the internet about whether a gay agenda existed.
“Demonstration speaks louder than Conversation. They gone feed us every image of our men and boys but this one. No hyper violent…No homo sexual…No abandoners….JUS STRONG BLAC MEN AND YOUNG Men. RESPECT TO MY BIG HOMIE @bigu1 for Leading with love and intelligence. GOD IS WITH US WHO CAN GO AGAINST US.” the Instagram post said.
When questioned on Twitter by Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson, Hussle responded with the following Tweet:
“I don’t look down on gay people I love all Gods children foreal. I take issue with the larger agenda.and I’m VERY WELL INFORMED contrary to my appearance. And my conclusion is there’s AN AGENDA…we can go fact for fact and get u some understanding if you’d like. If not God bless,” he said.
I don’t look down on gay people I love all Gods children foreal. I take issue with the larger agenda.and I’m VERY WELL INFORMED contrary to my appearance. And my conclusion is there’s AN AGENDA…we can go fact for fact and get u some understanding if you’d like. If not God bless https://t.co/DvewsKGojS
— THA GREAT (@NipseyHussle) January 9, 2018
The mere suggestion that a gay “agenda” exists seems to have ticked Willis off, despite the fact that the existence of the big gay hate agenda is undeniable.
It’s the same agenda that led Mother England to give half a million dollars to an organization promoting transgenderism in children. It’s the one that labels ordinary conservatives “bigots” if they don’t think transgender children should be dancing for dollars at nightclubs. It’s the one that gave a teacher an award after a five-year-old “transitioned” in her class, and made it appropriate to assign six-year-olds the task of writing gay love letters to each other.
Simply acknowledging the existence of an LGBT agenda was Hussle’s mortal sin in Willis’s eyes.
Hussle’s other sin was not apologizing enough when joined the radio show “The Breakfast Club” and was asked about the internet dust up, during which he said the media took his comments out of context.
“If anyone was looking for a full apology or a grander display of contrition, you never really got one from Hussle. And that’s the point, a number of LGBTQ+ people and our supporters are trying to make,” she said of Hussle’s appearance on the show.
Willis openly says two of Hussle’s supposed sins incite the outrage expressed by homosexuals toward Hussle: 1) being a non-LGBTQ person and “never fully engag[ing] with [or] evolving on the issue [of LGBTQ-ism]” and 2) that Hussle’s “vision of a better community seemingly didn’t include all Black people, particularly Black LGBTQ+ people.”
When asked whether Hussle deserved to die for not sharing the same politics as Willis, she dodged. She did not respond in the negative.
“You could just read the piece,” she told me. “That’s an option.”
But she was quick to distance her opinion from that of the magazine as a whole.
“Also, it’s an op-ed, from me – a singular person not on behalf of the mag,” she said.
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