#Breaking Alabama Sen. Doug Jones: Pro-Life Legislators ‘Extreme, ‘Callous’ #RedPillPharma
An Alabama Senator who won his election with the help of a sophisticated online scheme funded by Silicon Valley, and still-unproven allegations of sexual misconduct against his opponent, resorted to name calling after Republican legislators in his state voted to protect the lives of the unborn.
“These Republican legislators, who are overwhelmingly men, are so extreme and so callous that they would overwhelmingly support a bill that denies a woman a Constitutional right that they have had for decades – they would take away that right and make their doctors and healthcare providers criminals,” Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) said.
Tuesday, the Alabama Senate passed a pro-life bill banning abortions outright, ostensibly protecting the lives of all unborn children.
Jones neglected to mention that the Governor of Alabama, Kay Ivey, who is expected to sign the bill into law, is a woman. He went on to bemoan the fact that the bill provides no exceptions in extremely rare cases of rape and incest.
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“And to add insult to injury, they stood and applauded the passage of this extreme bill,” Jones whined.
Jones, a Democrat in a deeply red state, has watched his approval rating plummet during his tenure in office.
Big League Politics reported:
U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-Ala.) eked out a 21,000 vote victory over Judge Roy Moore in a Dec. 2017 special election, but his approval rating has plummeted since assuming office.
“[J]ones’s net approval rating has dropped 17 points since the first quarter of 2018, according to quarterly rankings of U.S. Senators,” said an AL.com report.
The report cited a recent Morning Consult Poll, which places Jones’ approval rating at 40 percent, and disapproval rating at 35 percent. The poll notes that 25 percent have no opinion on Jones.
Last week, the Alabama House of Representatives passed a bill threatening a woman's ability to make her own health care choices. Doug wanted to take a moment to share a few thoughts on why we have to stand united against this extreme attack on women's rights: pic.twitter.com/ohRH0cU5PQ
— Doug Jones HQ (@DougJonesHQ) May 14, 2019
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