#Breaking Hundreds of Theaters Drop Pro-Life Film ‘Gosnell’ After State’s Outlaw Abortions #RedPillPharma
Pro-life film “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” has been dropped from hundreds of theaters around the country, despite its massive box office success.
“Despite the solid performance for an independent film of this sort, nearly 200 theaters have inexplicably dropped the film, including those in major cities where it was performing the strongest,” according to a Tuesday report. “Coming into its second week, ‘Gosnell’ has dropped from 668 theaters to 480 theaters — a full 188 theater drop, 15 of which were top-performing multiplexes.”
The film has grossed a whopping $1,235,000, placing in the top ten grossing films currently in existence.
But the film’s director was not surprised by his movie’s suppression. The culture in Hollywood is largely liberal, and does not support the pro-life movement.
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“I can tell you from my experience in 15 years of releasing movies independently, we’re in uncharted territories,” John Sullivan reportedly said. “It is an impacted fall, no doubt about it, but the fact that we’ve been dropped from theaters where the movie is the number 6 or number 9 movie is just something you don’t see. It’s hard not to believe it isn’t about the content of the movie.”
The dropping of the film comes on the heels of two controversial statewide bills banning abortions outright. Last week, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) signed into a law a “heartbeat bill,” banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.
Tuesday, Alabama lawmakers passed a similar – albeit more strict pro-life bill – outlawing abortions in all circumstances, unless the mother’s life is in jeopardy.
Big League Politics reported:
On Tuesday, Reuters reported that the Alabama Senate passed a bill that would outlaw almost all types of abortion.
This includes abortion in the case of rape and incest.
This will would be the strictest pro-life bill in America. The passage of this bill comes following the signing of Georgia’s controversial heartbeat bill.
So far in 2019, legislation to restrict abortion has been introduced in 16 states. According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, four of those states (Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Ohio) saw governors sign bills banning abortions if a fetal heartbeat can be detected.
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