#Breaking Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Livestreams Haircut #RedPillPharma
A failed U.S. Senate candidate and back of the pack 2020 presidential candidate took a break from the campaign trail to live stream himself getting haircut on Wednesday.
“Hey everybody, we’re at Chema’s in El Paso, uh, getting a haircut after being on the road for almost two weeks,” Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke said. “We were in New York, New Hampshire, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Iowa, Dallas, Fort Worth, and actually last night we were in Houston before we flew into El Paso.”
O’Rourke has often been slammed for his boyish goofiness, which has often made him appear unserious about his candidacy. This topic was discussed at great length by Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night, after O’Rourke attempted to re-boot his campaign by going on a media apology tour, and blaming his “privilege” for his carefree lifestyle.
Wednesday, though, O’Rourke was back to his regular shenanigans.
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He gave a rundown of his morning, during which he went for a run, and then was apparently told by his family that it was time for a haircut. He spoke Spanish to his barber during the video, and gave a biography of the man, a Mexican national who immigrated to the United States. He also used the barber as an example about how immigrants help local economies.
The video also featured a rousing discussion on trimming ear hair, and how thankful O’Rourke is for being able to reach a national audience via his recent appearances on “The View” and “The Rachel Maddow Show.”
WATCH the segment here.
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