The Irony of Fake News: Univision Passes Re-enacted Drama for News #BreakingNews #RedPillPharma
The extent to which Univision goes to essentially defend – and promote - illegal immigration reached a new high in a May 6, 2019 network “news report” that featured two women, Sandra Díaz and Victorina Morales, who had presented false documents in order to work as housekeepers at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey.
In the report, Univision went to great lengths to present a reenacted dramatization, complete with props, wardrobe, and a script that ensured that both Díaz and Morales didn’t stray from the talking points they have been repeating – and adding to – since they made their initial national splash in a December, 2018 New York Times article.
Díaz and Morales, from Costa Rica and Guatemala, respectively, along with their lawyer, Aníbal Romero, have become regulars on both English and Spanish-language liberal media outlets since announcing a lawsuit alleging discrimination, in what appears to be an orchestrated public relations effort in collusion with liberal Democrats who invited the two as special guests to President Trump’s February 2019 State of the Union address.
Díaz and Morales have appeared on Univision several times since last December, when they originally claimed to have come forward prompted by the President Trump’s alleged lies and double standards. However, in Univision’s latest effort to generate sympathy for the clearly illegal practice of unauthorized immigrants presenting themselves as legal immigrants in order to gain employment through the use of falsified identification documents, the former Trump Organization employees were portrayed as being moved to act by the President’s 2015 presidential campaign announcement “hate speech.”
GERARDO REYES, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: They say they would have kept their experiences only to themselves as a memory, but the President's hate speech filled them with indignation.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCEMENT SPEECH: They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime
SANDRA DÍAZ, FORMER EMPLOYEE, TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB: How criminals, if we entered his house? How, how, how thieves? How rapists, if we have been with his wife, with his children, with his grandchildren?
REYES: Neither the White House nor the Trump Organization have officially responded to Univision's request for comment. In the past, the Organization has said that its policy is to fire employees who use false documents.
In an online post published by Univision correspondent Gerardo Reyes, the correspondent and his subjects go on to disclose unbelievably inane details about the likes and dislikes of the Trumps behind the scenes. Things as groundbreaking as “the meticulous order and cleaning instructions of the tycoon. She recounted to Univision how she learned to arrange the tic-tac boxes on his bedside table alongside dollar bills for tips; how to symmetrically [sic] folded his underpants, sew his stockings and often clean his golf shirts, stained with the generous doses of makeup he uses.” (You know those little puke bags you can find in the pocket of the airplane seat in front of you? Time to grab one of those, albeit in your imagination.)
Sit up for more from the duo’s portrayal of a sinister boss: “For them, they said, it was very difficult to assimilate that the same man who give [sic] away $50 to $200 tips to club employees and congratulated his cleaning staff on the great work they performed, overnight placed them in the same category as an immigrant plague invading the United States.”
As MRC Latino has previously pointed out for years now the liberal media in general - and Univision in particular - has had a field day with dishonest characterizations of what Trump actually said in presidential campaign announcement speech where he specifically highlighted the need to stop criminals – as opposed to all Mexicans – making their way into the United States across the Southern border.
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