What in life connects us? It's NOT politics so it must be something else?
Words are what truly connect us.
The absence of a real connection is the perversion of what our spirit needs for survival. Our voice.
The tech growth has brought our spirit to its knees. And the lack of real communication on subjects deemed too sensitive directly or politically had been sinking this once mighty ship. It's an insurrection, but it doesn't have to be. The act of denying our voice to others when we both need it is a selfish form of masochism or an authoritarian form of hypnotic control.
Either way, change is coming.
My vision of the future is always ticking a different outcome based on our current trending algorithms. At this moment we need to open up and admit we as a population around the globe have been manipulated to evolve and develop mass markets, big cities, great international trade routes, under the suggestion that we were free outside authoritarian regimes. And that our efforts would push prosperity, wealth, creativity, and safety for all. For a time we have experienced just that. We certainly felt free in comparison to the footage of war and death from overseas that we have been consistently been fed since the horrors the WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and many, many others. This Country has made massive sacrifices for our right to disagree and remain free. Based on all that we have been through as a Nation together. Why has this division become so difficult?
It's because of weaponized psychological programming and manipulation campaigns we all have been under. I get it... Who would ever want to admit that we were under any kind of psychological control? That doesn't change reality. We have, all of us.
It's already come out: The Smith-Mundt Modernization act failed to pass in 2012. When you google this... You will easily find that it never passed in 2012. More difficult to find is that this same ACT was slipped into a massive defense spending bill where it did in fact pass the very next year. This act repealed an Anti-Propaganda act from 1948. This mixed in with project paperclip, and MK-Ultra, etc. Along with many other declassified programs. The Smith Mund act made it easier for all forms of media to feed us Propaganda. And appealing to our emotions is our kryptonite, scare tactics, scandal, war, and open villainy mixed in with the influence of the music and Hollywood industry. We have all been conditioned by the overton window. And it has continually been pushed for the few elitist minds seeking authoritarianism and domination for wealth and power.
But the table in this temple has been flipped once again.
I'm no longer personally affected by how this truth may affect your relationship with me. The transparency is coming regardless of your comfort level. It's going to be a slow roll-out to the general population. But those behind the scenes in intelligence are always at the minimum months ahead of what is disclosed sometimes years depending on the complexity of the disclosure.
Those that can't see this coming or have denied this active pulse may reject this reality. And that's okay. But understand this warning from someone who loves and cares about all humanity. My advice is to deal with it sooner rather than try to hold onto your REM world. It will just get harder to reject and your bubble world will break down. I share out of genuine love for my friends holding onto the illusion. If you do not dive into the disclosed information of reality you're in effect only holding onto the fantasy.
Those that reject before they research only delay the outcome of a unified spirit. And it just perpetuates this divide out of pride or prejudice. The answer to our future is through global love and peace. We have already been through the antithesis far too long.
The nations of this world are awakening to the global manipulations. Those that travel are actively seeing it for themselves. People are beginning to understand the mass hypnosis and conditioning that we all have to some degree been under.
Those that reject what has already been disclosed are in deep emotional distress. They just truly need our love and patience whether it is a family member or a friend. And communicate in person with love and compassion. Arguments close ears and minds. Passion can feel threatening also. But the strength of character and genuine love will always win out.
To learn more about me personally and the unique and challenging experiences that I have had that awakened me early in life.
Subscribe to my personal podcast that exposes the real truth about Cult religion, programming, mind control and the false perception of a dangerous ideology permeating our communities.
The Podcast is Dancing in the Shadows. Links below.
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Dancing in the Shadows Podcast |
The Dancing in the Shadows Podcast will still be trickled out on Itunes, Libsyn, Youtube and here on facebook.
My current spirit is a little over a month ahead of what is released.
Thank you all for reading I thought I would leave behind a bit to chew on until I return.
Much love to all...
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