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Nicolle Wallace: 'I Will Gladly, Easily, Handily Vote for Bernie Sanders' #Political

Given her terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, on one level it's not surprising to learn that Nicolle Wallace would vote for Bernie Sanders over President Trump. But to hear the words actually come from the lips of this former aide to President George W. Bush and John McCain still has some residual shock value, at least for this NewsBuster.

On Wallace's MSNBC show this afternoon, Never Trumper Rick Wilson predicted that if Sanders is the nominee, he would lose 44 states to President Trump. Wallace, putting on her former strategist's hat, expressed grave doubts about Sanders's electability, given his weak support among African-American voters and his democratic socialist label. But, determined to reaffirm her Trump-hating credentials, she prefaced her critique by declaring:

"I'm on the record. I will vote for whomever -- I will, I will gladly and easily and handily vote for Bernie Sanders if he's the nominee."

Note: Wallace said, "I have no frickin' clue what democratic socialist means. But everyone thinks that's what he is." Uh, yeah. Could it be because that's how Sanders proudly, consistently describes himself?

Here's the transcript.

Deadline White House
4:47 pm ET

RICK WILSON: Bernie Sanders is not going to rev up this mystical vote that's out there and unaddressed. And in fact, I predict he'll lose 44 states if he's the nominee.

SAM STEIN: Oh, come on. 


STEIN: 44 states is a little excessive.

WILSON: Try me.

. . . 

NICOLLE WALLACE: And I'm on the record. I will vote for whomever -- I will, I will gladly and easily and handily vote for Bernie Sanders if he's the nominee. This is not personal. But my political strategist is like, it's a four-alarm fire in my political soul. I mean, how do you, how do you as a Democratic party tell everyone to get behind someone who is -- and I don't know, I have no frickin' clue what democratic socialist means, but everyone thinks that's what he is. And it sounds scary. And he's got very little African-American support.       

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