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As Joe Biden Surges, MSNBC Plots Strategy on Wrapping Up Dem Primaries #Political

With Joe Biden winning state after state on Super Tuesday, the hosts on MSNBC plotted a strategy on how to wrap this thing up now and turn to defeating Donald Trump. Appearing with Brian Williams, Rachel Maddow and Al Sharpton discussed how to coalesce around Biden. Chuck Todd even wondered of a “penalty” for Elizabeth Warren staying in the race. 

After Sharpton took a shot at the floundering Bloomberg campaign, Maddow goaded the activist: “You know what I've been imagining? A meeting convened by the Reverend Al Sharpton between Mike Bloomberg and Democratic Party likely nominee Bernie Sanders.” Williams cheered, “Listen to you stirring things up.” 

Maddow explained her scenario: 

Senator Sanders is still one of the two front-runners at this point. We don't know how things are going to go. California's going to be huge. Texas is going to be huge for him. We'll see. If he ends up fighting to the death with Joe Biden, it looks like Bernie's going to pull it out and he is going to be the nominee. He is the only candidate in the Democratic field who said, “I don't want Mike Bloomberg's money. I'd rather not have it than give up any benefit that he is going to give me.” Does somebody like you, who knows everybody in the Democratic Party, does somebody who has good faith, a good-faith reputation and is a good negotiator, who has credit with all sides, step in then to try to undo that? To try to make sure Bloomberg's money still runs? 

Sharpton sort of endorsed the concept: 

I don't know. But I think somebody should say that the goal is to try to save this country and bring it back to a level of decency and the standard of the presidency where it's respectable. And that argument should be made, if we get to that point. 

Williams, perhaps blushing a bit at being Democratic Party establishment, concluded, “Seems like you two should talk offline.” Earlier in the evening, Chuck Todd wondered about punishing Warren for staying in: “How long can Elizabeth Warren keep doing this? Is there a penalty among the Democratic elite?” 

A partial transcript is below: 

NBC coverage

CHUCK TODD: How long can Elizabeth Warren keep doing this? Is there a penalty among Democratic elite? 


MSNBC coverage


AL SHARPTON: I think Mike Bloomberg should keep his war chest there and help someone who can win. I think he ought to start preparing — we'll see what happens the rest of tonight —  but preparing to start doing some money transfers. 

RACHEL MADDOW: You know what I've been imagining? A meeting convened by the reverend Al Sharpton between Mike Bloomberg and Democratic Party likely nominee Bernie Sanders. 

BRIAN WILLIAMS: Listen to you stirring things up. 

MADDOW: Senator Sanders is still one of the two front-runners at this point. We don't know how things are going to go. California's going to be huge. Texas is going to be huge for him. We'll see. If he ends up fighting to the death with Joe Biden, it looks like Bernie's going to pull it out and he is going to be the nominee. He is the only candidate in the Democratic field who said I don't want Mike Bloomberg's money. I'd rather not have it than give up any benefit that he is going to give me. Does somebody like you, who knows everybody in the Democratic Party, does somebody who has good faith, a good-faith reputation and is a good negotiator, who has credit with all sides, step in then to try to undo that? To try to make sure Bloomberg's money still runs? 

SHARPTON: I don't know. But I think somebody should say that the goal is to try to save this country and bring it back to a level of decency and the standard of the presidency where it's respectable. And that argument should be made, if we get to that point. 

MADDOW: I think you’d be the best one to make it. 

WILLIAMS: Seems like you two should talk offline. 

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