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Breaking News

Chairman Schiff Sends Unilateral and Political Demand Letter to ODNI Richard Grenell… #TheRedpill #Politics

HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff is one of the most partisan political operatives in DC.  Schiff has a reputation of focusing exclusively on politics in every aspect of his responsibility. His political emphasis was highlighted today when chairman Schiff writes a letter to Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, angered that he was not consulted about executive branch personnel changes within the intelligence community.

Adam Schiff is such a hack… His protestation are actually a little funny:

Notice how Schiff just “cc’s” the ranking member, so he didn’t have a discussion with Nunes in advance of his sending the political letter?

What a weasel.

The American People can see through this.

DNI Ric Grenell should respond by saying: “nuts”.

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