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DNC 'War Room' Uses 23 Tweets from Journalists to Rip Trump Briefing #Political

We routinely suggest the "mainstream media" regurgitates the Democratic National Committee talking points. Or sometimes, the DNC loves to spread around the "MSM" talking points as the perfect message to fire up the Democratic base.

Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner pointed out the DNC war room's latest press release on Saturday's White House press briefing listed 23 tweets from "prominent reporters from the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Al-Jazeera, Washington Post, Huffington Post, and others."

“Trump Turns Another Briefing Into A Campaign Rally” was the headline on the war room release. In included these journalistic criticisms of the president.

-- Reuters White House reporter Jeff Mason: “Trump opens up his press conference by saying the U.S. has fewer deaths per capita than other nations, says China is way ahead in terms of death (despite the numbers).”

-- Andrea Mitchell truly sounded like Debbie Wasserman Schultz as she interrupted the briefing to rebut the president: "We were told he was going to brief the, to brief about the current state of the coronavirus crisis, but clearly, he is on a political tear — attacking reporters, attacking the  saying that he inherited garbage when in fact he inherited a plan from the Obama administration and an office on pandemics, which he then disassembled … as well as medical health officials who were pre-positioned in China, who might have spotted the beginning of this pandemic.”

-- Domenico Montanaro, senior political editor for taxpayer-supported National Public Radio, brought a bucket full of cynicism: “Saturday's briefing brought to you by Trump's Greatest Hits, including complaining about broken system, touting that the federal government has done everything perfectly (‘We didn't miss a trick’) and complaining about the test. News? Not so much.”

-- S.V. Date of The Huffington Post (formerly of NPR) echoed: “Trump now spinning the 37,938 dead Americans thus far as a victory, and a lower per-capita mortality rate compared to other countries [a dubious claim, given the per-capita testing] so it's going to be that kind of couple of hours.”

-- CNN "fact checker" Daniel Dale (who, it turns out, is a big favorite of the DNC War Room on Twitter), was included for merely tweeting "The president is, again, saying stuff."

The DNC summarized: “Instead of using tonight’s briefing to update Americans on the coronavirus, Trump turned it into a campaign rally where he attacked anyone who has pointed out his failures, downplayed the number of U.S. fatalities and lied about our testing capacity.” 

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