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Michigan Governor Whitmer Asks Why State Protests Didn’t Happen During World War II… #TheRedpill #Politics

Oh dear, the knucklehead is strong with this one. During a briefing earlier today Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer compared the COVID-19 battle to World War II and asked the citizens of her state why they were not protesting state orders during the war? Yes, she actually said this:

“In World War II, there weren’t people lining up at the capitol to protest the fact that they had to drop everything they were doing and build planes or tanks, or to ration food.”

Does anyone want to tell Whitmer the difference is during the war effort people were working and getting paid; but under her unilateral decrees people are forbidden from working and no-one is earning a living…. Which is the entire reason for the protests, DUH.


The stupid… it hurts.  Somewhere, somehow, somebody is recommending this lady to be Joe Biden’s running mate.  Can you imagine?

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