MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: Trump Tweeting 'Like a Punk' While People Dying #Political

Who's the worst emitter of liberal media bias and Trump hatred on MSNBC? Rachel Maddow? Joy Reid? Fuggedaboutit.
When it comes to the most hideous Trump hater on MSNBC, nobody comes close to former Republican, failed McCain campaign official, and Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace, in the opinion of this NewsBuster.
On her show Friday afternoon, Wallace accused President Trump of tweeting "like a punk" while people are dying.
Wallace was speaking to former Eric Holder flack Matthew Miller when she kvetched that the coronavirus pandemic "is like every other" moment "in Donald Trump's presidency, where it's about his fragile, teeny-tiny ego, and the vast nation that he leads, and he’s making all his decisions based on press coverage."
She then added the ghoulish take: "The difference here, Matt Miller, is that people are dying, more than 30,000 people have died. The virus is still spreading across the country and Donald Trump today, like a punk, seemed to tweet about protesters."
Where does Wallace even come up with this sort of vile venom?
Wallace was responding to comments from the horribly biased Eli Stokols of the Los Angeles Times, who accused President Trump of wanting "to take credit for the good news and to deflect all the blame and all the tough questions onto the governors."
Here's the transcript.
MSNBC's Deadline: White House
4:07 pm EDTELI STOKOLS: You know, but then you see Trump sort of self-satisfied but also now agitating some of the governors, saying it’s your decision, but getting on Twitter and really giving a green light to his supporters who have been protesting in some of these states against the governors’ stay-at-home orders, many of which have been extended. So you see a lot of mixed messages as the President continues to want to take credit for the good news and to deflect all the blame and all the tough questions on to governors….So you've got a President eager to take credit, you've got a President who’s watching television, who’s reacting when he feels like he doesn’t get that credit from other people on television, like Governor Cuomo, but the big question, the big hurdle here related to testing remains unanswered.
NICOLLE WALLACE: Alight, Matt Miller, let’s slow this thing way down because this seems like a really important point that Eli is reporting. This moment is like every other in Donald Trump's presidency, where it's about his fragile, teeny-tiny ego, and the vast nation that he leads, and he’s making all his decisions based on press coverage, okay? So, stipulate it: I think that's right. The difference here, Matt Miller, is that people are dying, more than 30,000 people have died. The virus is still spreading across the country and Donald Trump today, like a punk, seemed to tweet about protesters.
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