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New video by Real Coffee with Scott Adams on YouTube

Episode 946 Scott Adams: Biden Versus Trump, Food Psychology, Your Questions and More

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon Content: Great press conference today by President Trump Why is Biden's wife always next to him in interviews? Per top virologist in France, viruses always Peter out? Bad comparisons to Sweden Viewer questions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like my channel to have a wider audience and higher production quality, please donate via my startup ( at this link: I use donations to pay for the daily conversions of the original Periscope videos into Youtube and podcast form, and to improve my production quality and search results over time.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please subscribe to my channel…it REALLY helps. Like my video? Hate my video? Let me know, VOTE! Please leave a comment, let me know how I'm doing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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