@realDonaldTrump: #TRUMPtweets To America! April 26, 2020 at 05:37PM
Donald Trump Tweets

RT @LindaSuhler: Dear God, Thank you for answering our prayers. A grateful Nation #GodBlessAmerica🇺🇸 #PresidentTrump #ElectionDay https://bit.ly/2ASultv
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Dear God,
— Linda Suhler, PhD (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@LindaSuhler) November 9, 2016
Thank you for answering our prayers.
A grateful Nation#GodBlessAmerica🇺🇸 #PresidentTrump #ElectionDay pic.twitter.com/xKopdEYNpe
RT @LindaSuhler: Dear God, Thank you for answering our prayers. A grateful Nation #GodBlessAmerica🇺🇸 #PresidentTrump #ElectionDay https://bit.ly/2ASultv
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