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Matt Gaetz Goes Full Wolverine on Trey Gowdy – Exposes Gowdy and Paul Ryan Working on Coup Effort… #TheRedpill #Politics

Oh my gosh; too funny. First, this will not come as a big surprise to those who have been following along for several years; but it’s still funny… perhaps even, well, ugly.

Earlier today President Trump held a meeting of the congressional war council; essentially the new 2020 Trump-branded version of the republican congressional caucus.  Apparently Matt Gaetz felt inspired because a few hours later he appears on Sean Hannity and throws a sunlight grenade directly into the broadcast.

Matt Gaetz, calls out the duplicity of Trey Gowdy and points out how the former rep and former House Speaker Paul Ryan blocked their 2017/2018 House investigative committees from issuing subpoenas against the coup-plotters. WATCH:


Both Paul Ryan and Trey Gowdy, amid a host of others, retired in 2018.  Below is the segment that Matt Gaetz draws attention to:


Los Tres Amigos…

Chaff and Countermeasures…


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