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Nets Skip Radical Tidbits in New $3 Trillion Stimulus Package, Urge GOP to 'Compromise' #Political

All three of the morning news shows on the alphabet soup networks mentioned that House Democrats had unveiled a $3 trillion stimulus package that included economic relief for Americans facing economic hardship because of Coronavirus. All three reports made sure to mention that President Trump and/or the Republicans had vowed to block the bill. None of the reporters mentioned that radical provisions in the bill, some of which have nothing to do with Coronavirus, might motivate Republicans’ desire to kill the bill; as opposed to a desire to see prolonged economic suffering.

Appearing on the Thursday edition of NBC’s Today, reporter Tom Costello stated that “House Democrats are hoping to vote on a new $3 trillion package. That includes money for state and local governments, extends unemployment benefits until July, along with new direct payments for American families.”

Costello transitioned into condemning President Trump for refusing to accept House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's plan, fretting that Trump called it  “dead on arrival.” Costello refused to explain why Trump doesn't support it, which includes measures that would change election laws, use federal money to bail out blue states, and give stimulus checks to illegal aliens.

On CBS This Morning, White House correspondent Weijia Jiang briefly mentioned that “House Democrats have already put forward another $3 trillion stimulus plan but Republicans have already said it is dead on arrival.” Once again, there was no mention of the bill’s radical provisions.

During ABC's Good Morning America, co-host George Stephanopoulos announced that the House Democrats had unveiled a “$3 trillion stimulus bill…with more checks for Americans.” before fretting that “Republicans are balking.”

He then wondered: “Will they compromise?” For the liberal media, the word “compromise” means that Republicans should give in to all of the Democrats’ demands.

Later, correspondent Rebecca Jarvis brought up the House Democrats’ $3 trillion stimulus bill, mentioning that it would include “another round of direct payments for Americans totaling up to $6,000 per household.”

After finishing her report, Jarvis announced that “Republican leaders in the Senate have already vowed to block it,” without mentioning the reasons why. Jarvis did admit that “experts believe some sort of new stimulus package will eventually get passed but it won’t be this one.”

The American people have a right to know how $3 trillion of their tax dollars will be spent. Too bad the media have no interest in telling them the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

A transcript of the relevant portion of Thursday’s edition of Today is below. Click “expand” to read more.

NBC's Today
07:09 AM

HODA KOTB: Let’s move now to the devastating toll on the economy and tens of millions of
Americans now out of work. As the latest numbers are released this morning, there is a new warning about the potential for even more damage. NBC’s Tom Costello has our report. Hey, Tom, good morning.

TOM COSTELLO: Hi, Hoda, good morning. Here in Washington, the Mayor has just extended the stay-at-home order until June 8th for all non-essential businesses. The Labor Department this morning will report the latest numbers, how many people filed for unemployment last week. Millions more expected to have filed and now the chairman of the Federal Reserve, the nation’s top central banker, is warning that the recovery from this economic downturn will be a long, drawn-out affair; the worst downturn he says since the end of World War II. The record number of Americans out of a job remains on the rise this morning. Experts forecasting the country will add another 2.5 million unemployed claims later this morning; bringing the total over the past couple of months to 36 million. Even as states begin phased-in returns to work, the Fed chief now says more action from Congress to stimulate the economy may be necessary to avoid long-term damage. Jerome Powell’s blunt assessment sending stocks tumbling on Wednesday. House Democrats are hoping to vote on a new $3 trillion package. That includes money for state and local governments, extends unemployment benefits beyond July, along with new direct payments for American families. President Trump saying that’s not going to happen.



PRESIDENT TRUMP: DOA. Dead on arrival.


TRUMP: Of course, Nancy Pelosi knows that.

A transcript of the relevant portion of Thursday’s CBS This Morning is below.

CBS This Morning
07:07 AM

WEIJIA JIANG: House Democrats have already put forward another $3 trillion stimulus plan but Republicans have already said it is dead on arrival.

A transcript of the relevant portion of Thursday’s Good Morning America is below. Click “expand’ to read more.

Good Morning America
07:00 a.m. [TEASE]

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Urgent warning. The Fed chair calls the economic impact of the pandemic unprecedented; calling on the White House and Congress to do more, with 36 million losing their jobs in two months and demand at food banks surging. House Democrats unveil a $3 trillion stimulus bill, the largest price tag ever, with more checks for Americans. But Republicans are balking. Will they compromise?


07:05:55 AM

ROBIN ROBERTS: All eyes on those new jobless numbers that are due out later this morning. And the chair of the Federal Reserve issuing that urgent warning of lasting economic damage. So, our Rebecca Jarvis joins us with the latest on all that. Good morning, Rebecca.

REBECCA JARVIS: Good morning, Robin. That’s right. Jobs are the additional casualty of this pandemic crisis across the country and the Fed Chair is now warning that if Washington does not act with additional stimulus, the impacts of this economic decline will be long lasting. Overnight, an urgent warning from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell.

JEROME POWELL: The scope and speed of this downturn are without modern precedent; significantly worse than any recession since World War II.

JARVIS: With the country bracing for a new report out this morning expected to show an additional 2.5 million Americans filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week; bringing the total number of workers who lost their jobs in just two months to 36 million, Powell calling on the White House and Congress to do more.

POWELL: Additional fiscal support could be costly but worth it if it helps avoid long-term damage and leaves us with a stronger recovery.

JARVIS: The desperation growing for people like Monique Howard in northern California; laid off from her job as an office manager.

MONIQUE HOWARD: I’m a single income with a special needs son who can’t work. I don’t know how I’m going to continue.

JARVIS: Leading to surging demand at food banks around the country. ABC’s Will Carr visiting one in Texas preparing to deliver millions of meals to people in more than a dozen states. Volunteers like Nancy Dooling seeing a record number of those in need.

NANCY DOOLING: A need for more food in expectation of getting more people coming to our pantries.

JARVIS: Amid the unprecedented economic crunch, House Democrats unveiling a new stimulus bill with the largest price tag ever, $3 trillion; including another round of direct payments to Americans totaling up to $6,000 per household. And the House is set to vote on that bill on Friday. Republican leaders in the Senate have already vowed to block it. Experts believe some sort of new stimulus package will eventually get passed but it won’t be this one.

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