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New video by Judicial Watch on YouTube #JudicialWatch

Tom Fitton: #ObamaGate Being Investigated by FBI Director? "It's a Gamble to Save His Own Job!"

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on the Fox Business Network, to discuss Chairman Schiff writing to Acting Intelligence Chief Grenell asking ODNI to release any documents on conversations between Gen. Flynn/Ambassador Kislyak; Judicial Watch releasing the declassified electronic communication used to launch Crossfire Hurricane; the June 1st deadline for Judge Sullivan to respond to Gen. Flynn's challenge of his refusal to readily grant the DOJ's move to dismiss the case; Judicial Watch's latest lawsuit to stop the special, statewide vote-by-mail mandate issued by CA Governor Newsom; and more! Donate today! ► Subscribe on YouTube! ► Check out our website ► "Like" us on Facebook ► Follow us on Twitter ►
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