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After Celebrating Trump’s SCOTUS Losses, Nets Hide Deportation Win #Political

Last week, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) celebrated two Supreme Court Rulings that went their way with some help from the conservative justices; one about gay rights and the other protecting DACA. But when it came to Thursday’s decision on a deportation case, which saw liberal Justices Breyer and Ginsburg join conservatives for a 7-to-2 majority in President Trump’s favor, the networks didn’t say a peep.

Instead of reporting on ruling that affirmed the Trump administration’s ability to quickly deport asylum seekers who had failed their initial screenings, ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News continued to milk the not-a-hate crime noose incident with NASCAR. And NBC Nightly News crowed about the Eiffel Tower reopening in Paris, France. NBC also cheered a court ruling against the Trump family that allowed for another new anti-Trump book to be published.

While the networks were silent, Fox News Channel anchor Bret Baier noted Trump’s victory during Thursday’s Special Report.

“Meantime, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Trump administration can deport some people seeking asylum, without allowing them to make their case to a federal judge,” he reported. “The high court’s 7-to-2 decision applies to people who fail their initial asylum screenings, making them eligible to quick deportation or expected removal.”

He also noted: “It comes on the heels of two other recent decisions that did not go the President's way.”

Even PBS’s NewsHour managed to cover the ruling. “The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the Trump administration's use of quick deportations for legal asylum seekers who fail initial screenings,” reported anchor Judy Woodruff. “Today's 7-to-2 decision reversed a lower court's ruling. It had said that asylum seekers must first have access to federal courts.”

Adding: “Since 2004, quick deportations have applied to those picked up within two weeks of entering the country, and within 100 miles of the U.S. Border.”

A article on the ruling detailed part of the majority opinion:

“In this case, however, respondent did not ask to be released. Instead, he sought entirely different relief: vacatur of his 'removal order' and 'an order directing [the Department] to provide him with a new . . . opportunity to apply for asylum and other relief from removal,'” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the court’s opinion, ruling “that relief falls outside the scope of the common-law habeas writ.”

In addition to covering those other frivolous topics, all three of the broadcast networks touted how former Vice President and presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden had called the President a “child.” Of course, it came at the cost of ignoring other important topics damaging to their candidate.

The networks’ silence was sponsored by Geico on ABC, ADT on CBS, and Depend on NBC. Their contact information is linked.

The transcripts are below:

Fox News Channel’s Special Report
June 25, 2020
6:40:05 p.m. Eastern

BRET BAIER: Meantime, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Trump administration can deport some people seeking asylum, without allowing them to make their case to a federal judge. The high court’s 7-to-2 decision applies to people who fail their initial asylum screenings, making them eligible to quick deportation or expected removal. It comes on the heels of two other recent decisions that did not go the President's way.


PBS NewsHour
June 25, 2020
7:10:53 p.m. Eastern

JUDY WOODRUFF: The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the Trump administration's use of quick deportations for legal asylum seekers who fail initial screenings. Today's 7-to-2 decision reversed a lower court's ruling. It had said that asylum seekers must first have access to federal courts. Since 2004, quick deportations have applied to those picked up within two weeks of entering the country, and within 100 miles of the U.S. Border.

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