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Brent Bozell on TV: The Statue Fight Isn't About Race, It's About Tearing Down America #Political

MRC founder and president Brent Bozell appeared on the Fox Business program The Evening Edit to discuss the media and the Left promoting the tearing down of statues and the renaming of institutions, like removing Woodrow Wilson’s name from a building at Princeton (where he was president of the college).

Guest host David Asman asked Bozell what he thought the American people were thinking about this deepening trend of “cancel culture.”

BRENT BOZELL: Well I think they began thinking that this was a stance against racism, and how noble could that be? But I think what they're seeing with every day that goes forward is that this has nothing to do with racism. This has everything to do with tearing down America. The media know this, and the media are in a sense, in cahoots, in the sense that they won't report it.

He suggested the media is ignoring statues that aren’t Confederate generals:

BOZELL: This same movement, what are they doing? They're tearing down, wanting to tear down the statue of Ulysses S. Grant who led the North in the fight against slavery where hundreds of thousands people died. Tearing down the statue of Abraham Lincoln, trying to tear down the emancipation statue in Washington, that was honoring the Emancipation Proclamation and paid for by freed slaves. Tearing down the 54th Regiment statue that honors the black regiment that fought against the confederacy. The more the public is looking this, the more they're realizing -- You're anti-racist? You're attacking the people that were anti-racist? This is not about race. This is about destroying the foundational principles. So today it's Woodrow Wilson. Tomorrow, Teddy Roosevelt. God only knows what;s gonna happen next. They're trying to tear down America.

Asman then accused the media of being interested in making racial tensions worse, citing Mediaite for wrongly insisting Trump had tweeted a Wanted poster of people accused of vandalism that was 'mostly minority protesters,' when it wasn't. Bozell replied:

BOZELL: They're reporting that what is going on in Seattle, with the mob taking over part of the city where people are dying. They can't get assistance. They're being gunned down. They're calling that a block party. This is the bias by commission, and bias by omission. This bias of comission is putting that spin of a nobility that talks enshrines a domestic terrorism. And the bias by omission is refusing to report the truth. So that when something like this happens, you ought to have the media saying, coming to the president's defense, saying it's not true what they're saying about him. But there is nothing that Donald Trump can do, nothing whatsoever where the media will ever defend what he did, no matter how true it is.

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