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CNN RAVES Over Obama’s ‘Confident,’ ‘Hopeful,’ ‘Strong’ Remarks #Political

The pro-Antifa and pro-riot CNN continued to its embarrassing display of affection for liberals and viewing opponents as enemies of the people. Reacting on Wednesday’s Situation Room to Barack Obama’s remarks voicing support for protesters, host Wolf Blitzer tag-teamed with CNN Tonight host Don Lemon and correspondent Abby Phillip to fawn over of Obama’s “confident,” “hopeful,” and “strong” remarks from “someone” they’ve been “longing and yearning for.”

Of course, there was only a small denunciation of the violence on American streets that, as NewsBusters has reiterated for over a week, have been disingenuous and mealy-mouthed. (Video forthcoming)

“So a very, very hopeful, very, very confident statement from the former president of the United States, Barack Obama,” Blitzer swooned. 

Boasting that Obama was “so encouraged by the faces he sees at these demonstrations,” he went to Lemon by further trumpeting his liberal partisanship: “Don Lemon, strong words from the former President of the United States. What did you think?”

Lemon, who’s served as CNN’s chief divider and encourager of violence, trumpeted Obama “fill[ing]” a “void” of “leadership” in America. Even more so, Obama made him feel so “heartened” because he “sound[ed] like a president, someone to actually sound like a leader, someone to actually offer comfort and hope to the American people.”

Here was more of Lemon’s on-air love letter, implying that the current President’s an illegitimate one. Of course, he continued to give cover to rioting (click “expand,” emphasis mine):

I had been longing and yearning for that as had millions — tens of millions of Americans, since this all happened, really, and not just for this story, for what's happening here in this situation, but for what's been happening in other situations as well. Finally, someone came out and sounded like a leader of the free world, thanked the people instead of division, thanked the people who were doing it right, the protesters, and reminded us about how change occurs in this country.....It was peaceful sometimes, other times those marches aren't peaceful, but I think he has acknowledged, Wolf, everything that we have said here, everything I've said and everything that we have been saying here, this is different than the marches we have seen in recent history and the marches that we saw in the '60s, similar in a little there are lots of people out there and they're upset and taking to the street, and they're challenging their leaders and their government to step up and do better[.]


Those young people are our future. The President, the former President of the United States acknowledged that today and which I also thought was very important is that he said people have been discussing, there’s been an issue about voting versus protest. This is not an either/or, this is a both/and. We should be encouraging young people not only to — all people, to stand up for what they believe in, to stand up for what they think is right, to get out on the streets and protest. Yes, like that sign you see now says black power, black lives matter, get out there. He says make your government uncomfortable, make the people who are positions of power uncomfortable, but that has to result in change. I thought that the President, the former President hit it off. I keep calling him President because he's the only one in this moment who is actually acting like a President and not dividing the country, so I was happy to see him come out. I hope the country heeds the words of the President and one more thing, Wolf, before I get off my high horse. Remember in 2014 when the former President started My Brother’s Keeper. It was me and you and other folks who were on the air when he started that initiative and we talked about how important it was for young, black men in this country, for people of color, but for young black men in the country. That is the only time that the President said me, me, or I, when he talked about initiatives he created in his administration....I thought that was in stark contrast to the kind of, if you want to call it leader, that we have now. I thought it was impressive and I was glad that he did it. 

Blitzer vociferously agreed, calling Obama’s remarks “very strong, very impressive” and brought in Phillip by praising Obama for outlining exactly “what needs to be done to eradicate this racism that so sadly still permeates our country.”

Ah, so only Obama’s way is the highway? What unity!

A partisan reporter that rhetorically stabbed Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary, Phillip told Blitzer that it “was incredibly important for former President Obama” to encourage protesting and voting as he sees himself as “a bridge between these generations.”

Phillip added to the CNN insistence that Obama’s “very clear path” was the only way forward to unify the country and, without evidence, ruled the right and anyone remotely close to the Trump administration want a “culture war around issues of races.”

Yes, you read that right. Someone in the liberal media just accused the right of being the side that wants a “culture war” and divide people.

Before going to break, Blitzer and Phillip made CNN’s latest implicit endorsement of riots coupled with a puny claim that they don’t want what they’re making the case for (click “expand,” emphasis mine):

BLITZER: You know, one line Abby, that really jumped out at me, there was obviously no reference, no direct mention of President Trump in former President Obama's words, but one line did jump out, and I suspect there will be a lot of interpretations of what he meant when he said, and looking at the young people, looking at everyone out there, and he knew millions of people would be watching around the world, especially here on CNN, he said, make people in power uncomfortable. Those words were very, very significant, I suspect. Make people in power uncomfortable, he's referring to the leadership, whether it's local, state, or the President of the United States.

PHILLIP: Yeah, and he’s not trying to say that you should just be holding hands and singing kumbaya. Sometimes, these movements have to put really the ugliness of what people are fighting against in front of the public. I think he was very clear about that, that — he said, at times, change in the past has happened in a sort of — what we would call the peaceful way that people are often referring to Martin Luther King, you know, and those kinds of protests, but there were a lot of other things going on at that time and sometimes these protesters used the violence of others to bring forward the harshness of racism in this country. Barack Obama is no stranger to that, he is a student of that time period in America's history. And I think that he’s trying to say to young people that it's okay sometimes to make people uncomfortable, to force people in power to listen to you. It is not about condoning violence. It's about making sure that people understand that this is not just something that they can glance at and move on. They have to respond to the people who are in the streets, many of whom are — are pushing back against these curfews that are in all these major cities across the country, they're protesting late into the night, peacefully, but they're still protesting because they think this is very important. 

BLITZER: And there are peaceful protests going on, once again, right now, all over the United States...We're going to go coast-to-coast. We’re going to take a close look at what's going on around the United States. These are historic moments that we're all watching.

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