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Did CNN’s Chris Cuomo Admit to Spreading His Coronavirus? #Political

During Monday’s Cuomo PrimeTime, in which he spent much of show bashing Florida’s governor for his coronavirus response, CNN host Chris Cuomo appeared to admit to spreading his infamous case of coronavirus. If that’s true, it would come as no surprise since his escape from quarantine had been well documented, despite CNN’s feeble attempt to gaslight their audience with his so-called “official” release.

Cuomo was speaking with CNN’s politicized physician, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and lying about Florida seeding coronavirus cases in the rest of the country, when he compared his ability to spread the virus to that of a younger person who would likely be asymptomatic:

Look at DeSantis. DeSantis in Florida let everybody go crazy over Spring Break. He then exported all that virus back to wherever they wanted it to go. Okay. Now he’s blaming the young people. But it has always been true that they will be more asymptomatic, have lighter symptoms but spread the virus just as anybody else who has bad symptoms. Me spreading the virus and some 19-year-old who barely knows they have it, same effect on you, God forbid.

We do know that Cuomo’s quarantine breakout led to him infecting his wife (who was telling people to bath in Clorox bleach) and kids. But since he’s been lying about staying in his basement, and was caught outside at least once, it’s unclear who else he could have infected. Now, onto debunked his lies.

This wasn’t the first time that Cuomo insisted Spring Break in Florida had seeded coronavirus cases across the country. Besides the obvious fact, the virus would have been hitting Florida much sooner than it was (June), The New York Times found in early May that “Travel From New York City Seeded Wave of U.S. Outbreaks.”

From the very start of Monday’s show, Cuomo had it out for Florida’s Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis. “Ignoring a pandemic does not make it go away. That's why states like Florida are in such dire straits. Listen to its governor, DeSantis boasting last month about what great shape Florida was in,” he sneered.

Meanwhile, there were Democrat-controlled states like California which have not had much success in shaking the virus. They’ve had to halt and even roll back their reopening plans. But Cuomo decided to only condemn Florida.

After playing a soundbite of DeSantis, Cuomo returned to the screen by flapping his arms and bobbing his head to mock the Governor. “What now? Shhh. Not going to hear him here. You won't see him here. Why? Because he's got nothing to say. When he had a chance to speak, he spoke too soon. He did too little, and now his state is suffering too much,” he proclaimed while his state, New York led the country in the number of deaths.

Adding: “Florida health officials reported nearly 10,000 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, its highest single day since the start of the pandemic. He made Trump happy, Governor DeSantis did, and now more Floridians than they can count accurately appear to be sick.

But according to another report from The New York Times, Chris’s brother, Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) has been hiding New York’s nursing home infection numbers. “In New York, the case count is often the same as the death count because the state only reports the number of people who have died but not the number of overall infections,” the paper wrote.

Chris was only targeting DeSantis because people on the right were pointing out how well Florida was doing compared to his Brother’s fiefdom. And Chris has admitted that he’s not objective, especially when reporting on his brother.

Cuomo’s anti-DeSantis crusade was sponsored by Choice Hotels. Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:

CNN’s Cuomo PrimeTime
June 29, 2020
8:59:51 p.m. Eastern

CHRIS CUOMO: Ignoring a pandemic does not make it go away. That's why states like Florida are in such dire straits. Listen to its governor, DeSantis boasting last month about what great shape Florida was in.

GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): You've got a lot of people in your profession who waxed poetically for weeks and weeks about how Florida was going to be just like New York. Wait two weeks. Florida is going to be next. Just like Italy, wait two weeks. Well, Hell, we're eight weeks ay from that, and hasn't happened.

CUOMO: [Waves arms around] What now? Shhh. Not going to hear him here. You won't see him here. Why? Because he's got nothing to say. When he had a chance to speak, he spoke too soon. He did too little, and now his state is suffering too much.

New York's peak and daily cases was in what, April? The five-day average of daily cases hit almost 10,000. Terrible. Things here still aren't great. We're just moving in the right direction. Florida health officials reported nearly 10,000 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, its highest single day since the start of the pandemic. He made Trump happy, Governor DeSantis did, and now more Floridians than they can count accurately appear to be sick.

More than half our states have growing cases now. 16 are currently having to pause or roll back reopenings because they did not do the right things the right ways. Texas, parts of California, bars have been directed to close back down. The secretary of health and man services says the window is closing for us to get this right.

Even Pence, who you saw silently by DeSantis' side as he spewed nonsense seems to be his strongest asset as an ally. Even he is now saying you should wear a mask. That's good since he's the head of the coronavirus task force. It's bad that he is only saying so now.

But the really ugly reality is that Pence still sat there and enjoyed this mask-less choir of more than 100 singing on Sunday. It doesn't matter if you're singing songs to the Lord. There is no commandment that thou shalt do stupid things in my name and get COVID. The main commandment, if you care, if you believe was to love one another as I have loved you.

Keep your distance. If you can't, keep your mask on. Wash your hands. At this rate, there is a real chance that quarantine may become the reality for more of us in this country. And for many of us, here is the scary part, a second time. It is possible you may see me in my basement once again.


9:09:43 p.m. Eastern

CUOMO: Look at DeSantis. DeSantis in Florida let everybody go crazy over Spring Break. He then exported all that virus back to wherever they wanted it to go. Okay. Now he’s blaming the young people. But it has always been true that they will be more asymptomatic, have lighter symptoms but spread the virus just as anybody else who has bad symptoms. Me spreading the virus and some 19-year-old who barely knows they have it, same effect on you, God forbid.


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